Top 10 Countries With The Best Internet Connection

The world is a global village, we cannot deny that fact. Internet access has become a necessity like air and water and you cannot blame the masses for requiring the use of the internet in this age and time.

Ever had a day without your data subscription, did it remind you of the days when you owned a Nokia 3310 and the Motorola ‘Roto Moto’? That’s how the world has changed since we discovered the power of the internet, not just on desktop but also on mobile.

According to a new reportĀ from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), South Korea is the country with the best internet in the world, South Koreaā€™s rating came in at 8.93. and Ā we shall run down the list of countries with the best internet connection in the world.


  • Korea (Republic) with IDI 2015 rating of 8.93
  • Denmark with IDI 2015 rating of 8.88
  • Iceland with IDI rating of 8.86
  • United Kingdom with IDI 2015 rating of 8.75
  • Sweden with IDI 2015 rating of 8.67
  • Luxembourg with IDI 2015 rating of 8.59
  • Switzerland with IDI 2015 rating of 8.56
  • Netherlands with IDI 2015 ratings of 8.53
  • Hong Kong, China with IDI 2015 ratings of 8.52
  • Norway with IDI 2015 ratings of 8.49

In case you were wondering, United States is number 15 on this list and Nigeria is number 134 on the list. So if you ever want to travel because of internet connection, Korea it is.


