Top 5 Natural Herbs For Radiant Skin

Aloe Vera plant is a herb with medicinal properties. Photo – Pixabay / Mozo190

For centuries, people have made use of natural herbs as remedies and treatments to resolve skin problems. These botanicals have stood the test of time and have become a staple and solution for several ailments and diseases. Dried herbs are used in teas for medicinal benefits or homemade concoctions formulated for specific needs. Essential oils derived from these herbs are potent as well, used for numerous health reasons.

In this article, we will dissect the top five herbs that contain amazing properties that can benefit skin and hair care.

1. Chamomile

Chamomile. Photo – Pixabay / Mabel amber

Botanically known as Matricaria recutita, chamomile possesses soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that make it an excellent addition to skincare formulations. It soothes irritation, redness of the skin, and acne, and provides a clear complexion with consistent use. A study conducted by the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology found that chamomile extracts can reduce inflammation, and improve eczema and dermatitis.

2. Lavender

Lavender. Photo – Pixabay / Katerinavulcoca

Known for its purple flowers, lavender is a herb that contains a host of impressive benefits for the skin, body and health. Lavender oil has soothing properties that can help reduce stress-related skin issues. Research confirmed that the oil obtained from distilled lavender flowers contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agents that can suppress wounds and infections on the skin.

READ ALSO: 5 Herbs And Spices To Have In Your Kitchen 

3. Turmeric

Turmeric. Photo – Pixabay / summawhat

Acting as both a cooking spice and medicinal herb, turmeric is one of the natural herbs that has numerous uses and benefits. Turmeric contains an active component called curcumin which helps to reduce redness and inflammation. Known for its orange colour, turmeric can help to reduce hyperpigmentation. In areas of the body that typically tend to be darker, turmeric can act as a brightening agent, evening out the skin tone.

Furthermore, a study conducted for a month on twenty-eight women showed that the application of an herbal gel containing turmeric, rosemary, and gotu kola greatly improved signs of aging caused by sun exposure.

4. Rosemary

Rosemary plant. Photo – Pixabay / Congerdesign

Used for its benefits for both skin and hair, rosemary is an excellent choice for all skin and hair types. It is often used to prevent the skin from showing visible signs of aging. It is also a popular ingredient in sunscreens.

In addition, rosemary is suitable for all skin types, especially for people with ultra-sensitive skin. It helps reduce acne and promotes a healthy complexion.

Studies have also confirmed that it can help with hair thinning, and dandruff, and can be used for aromatic baths.

5. Aloe vera

Natural herbs
Aloe Vera. Photo – Pixabay / Rosina-Schneider

Probably the most popular of all, aloe vera is renowned for skin repair benefits. It contains polysaccharides that can help your skin heal from the damage of burns, wounds and skin irritations. Aloe vera’s enzymes reduce inflammation and redness. Lastly, it has a high water content filled with amino acids, lipids, and vitamins that nourish the skin.


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