Top phones under £200: Budget-friendly options that deliver.


Mobile phones have become an essential part of our daily lives. However, smartphones can be expensive, and buying the latest model can significantly reduce your budget. Fortunately, there are ways to buy a smartphone for less without compromising quality.

Before purchasing a smartphone, research the market to find the best deals. Check out different mobile phone brands & their prices and compare them to find the most affordable option.

New models of smartphones are released every year, and they can be pretty expensive. However, you can save money by choosing an older model that has good quality and can perform most of the functions of the latest models. Moreover, you can get them at a much lower price.

This blog will give you insights on the best phone under £200 to help your search. After reading the content, you will be better positioned to decide and choose a handset that best meets your needs.

Shop Around

The prices for the same model may vary across the retailers; for example, one retailer might cost £150 Redmi, whereas it might be available at 135 in another retailer’s shop. You need to shop around and look for the retailer that offers you the best price for your chosen handset.

Usually, you will find discounted handsets on third-party retailers, depending on their stock and age. You may also use google as a price comparison tool to check the exact cost at various retail stores.

Tip: look for UK-only models to claim an after-sales warranty in case of a fault.

Compare Contract or Outright Deals
Paying upfront might seem the most sensible option when buying a new phone. However, this isn’t always the case. If you’re interested in the latest phone models, buying them on a contract with a phone operator might be the cheaper option, especially if there are any special deals or bundles, such as discounted access to entertainment websites.

Make some calculations to determine the best option for yourself. Consider the phone’s total contract duration cost, including additional fees or charges. Compare this with the cost of buying a phone straight and pairing it with a SIM-only deal.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to whether to buy a phone with an upfront payment or on a contract. It ultimately depends on your needs, preferences, and specific deals and offers. By calculating and considering all your options, you can make an informed decision that works best for you and your budget.

Time it Right
Making the purchase decision at the right time of the year can save you big money. Events such as black Friday, Christmas, Easter, and Boxing Day are ideal for an upgrade.

Not Just this, individual manufacturers give discounts on their smartphones depending on the yearly release cycle of new devices. Some manufacturers offer gift cards on yearly preorders for their upcoming phones, Google and Samsung, for example.

Every January, Samsung releases its top-range S series. This series is usually available at a discounted price in summer sales. Apple’s iPhones are rarely discounted, but they are generally cheaper in august, aimed at the launch of their new version in September.

Search for Refurbished Phones
Refurbished phones are used phones returned to the manufacturer or seller for various reasons, such as defects, damage, or customer returns. The phones are then repaired, tested, and reconditioned to meet the same standards as new phones. Refurbished phones are an excellent option for those who want the latest technology without breaking the bank.

Buying a refurbished phone is suitable for your pocket and the planet. According to a report, buying a refurbished phone can you up to £150, & 50 KGs of carbon waste. The best thing is that older models are readily available as refurbished devices from original manufacturers and third parties.

Refurbished devices are a great option, especially when people have higher living costs. Most refurbished phones come with a warranty, so check the length of the warranty and what it covers. A good warranty will provide peace of mind and protect your investment.

Certified refurbished phones have been inspected and approved by the manufacturer. These phones typically come with a longer warranty and have undergone rigorous testing to ensure they meet the same standards as new phones.

Trade in or Sell your Old one

Trading your old mobile is the best way to upgrade your mobile. This can be done in two ways. The first is to sell your mobile phone and get cash in return, which could be added to your existing savings for the upgrade. This will help you get the support, so the upgrade isn’t heavy on your pocket.

The second way is to trade your mobile and adjust it to the cost of your desired upgrade. Hypothetically speaking, if your desired upgrade costs you £500, adjusting the old device worth 250 would reduce the price by 50%, making it easier for you to upgrade.

Pick Up Older Models

With the release of new smartphones almost every month, opting for the latest and greatest model can be tempting. However, newer doesn’t always mean better, especially if budget is a preference for you.
Buying an older model is almost always cheaper than buying a new one. As technology progresses, the price of older models drops significantly. Just because a phone is older, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have great features. Many older models still have high-quality cameras, large displays, and decent battery life.
Here are some of the options you can pick from:
Samsung Galaxy A10
Motorola Moto G7 Power
Apple iPhone SE (2016

Bottom Line
In conclusion, finding the best phone under £200 doesn’t mean sacrificing quality and features. Choosing an older model can be a smart choice as they are often more affordable, reliable, and still have great features.

The Samsung Galaxy A10, Motorola Moto G7 Power, and Apple iPhone SE (2016) are all excellent choices for anyone looking for a budget-friendly phone without compromising functionality. Consider your needs and preferences when choosing a phone, as there is no one-size-fits-all solution. With some research and consideration, you can find a great phone that fits your budget and meets your needs.
Happy Shopping!

