Top Reasons Why People Did Not Attend Your Event

EVENT-7-8-15-CopyWHAT is the biggest nightmare of an event manager? A well decorated and organized event, without any guest! When you organize an event, you have to take care of several issues such as venue arrangement, hiring the catering service provider, finding the performers or speakers, promoting the event, etc.

However, the most important questions is: “Will people attend my event?” Some companies spend hundreds of thousands of naira on event management, but fail to generate a buzz in the market, as a result of which tickets remain unsold. If you recently hosted an event that didn’t bring the crowd, then you must have made one or more of the following mistakes.

1.) You forgot to invite people personally: Email is certainly the fastest way to invite people to join your event, but it is not a very personal mode of communication. When you are hosting a corporate event, you need the presence of key players in the industry. Sending an email won’t do the job well enough. You need the personal touch. At the very least, you need to call and persuade them to participate as guests. However, the best thing to do is meet the main guests in person and invite them face to face.

2.) No follow-up leads to an empty venue: You have to remind people that your event date is approaching and you expect them to be there. For example, if you are organizing a concert every year, then you must have the email addresses of people who bought tickets in previous years. Email them at regular intervals to inform that the concert date is not far away and that they should visit your site to book their seats.

3.) Not promoting the event online: If you have invested enough amount for decoration and catering, why not spend a few extra for marketing? Brochure and flyers are good for advertising, but nothing comes close to the web. You must use web for promoting your event because millions of people access Internet from all over the world. And if you have an online ticketing facility in your site, then people can simply click on your web ad and reach the ticket booking section.

4.) Weak call to action: The key to sell anything is to tell the buyers what are the benefits they will enjoy if they spend money. Make sure that your website features a compelling call-to-action to increase ticket sales. For example, if it is a music show and 2Face is going to perform at the event, then you can draw visitors’ attention by writing a call-to-action like this: “Calling all the 2Face fans to join the biggest musical celebration of the year. See 2Face live for one night only.” It sounds exciting and you are not telling them to buy anything. You are just touching visitors emotionally so that they naturally visit the ticket booking section.

5.) Your offer is not lucrative: The fact is quality food and free drinks are not enough to bring visitors. You have to give them something more so that they click on the “buy ticket” button immediately. A unique experience is more valued by the event attendees than free food and wine.

6.) No credibility: When people visit your website to book seats, they judge its value by scanning the web design and content. Therefore, your website must earn the trust of potential customers. Keep the content brief and to the point. Write the name of important personalities associated with the event and post images of past shows to convince visitors that they will miss something if they don’t book their seats.
These are some of the basic reasons why people don’t buy the tickets of an event. If you have made any one or all of the aforementioned mistakes, then learn from them and follow the suggestions mentioned in this article.

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