Toyo Baby: I will reject a script if it doesn’t align with my values

Toyo Baby

Juliana Olayode popularly known as Toyo Baby, an alias she got from starring as Toyosi in the series, Jenifa’s Diary, is an actress, sexual purity activist and motivational speaker. Born into a family of eight, she hails from Ipokia local council of Ogun state. She has featured in couple of movies and have become a household name in the industry. The motivational speaker and author has also published her autobiography, Rebirth: From Grass to Grace. In this interview with IJEOMA THOMAS-ODIA, Olayode talks about her journey navigating in the industry, amongst others.

Growing up, have you always wanted to be an actress?
Never. I didn’t know I would ever act in my life. I felt I would be a singer and people would be listening to my music and I would be jumping all over the place.

I didn’t set out to be an actor. I think that sometimes in life you plan to do certain things and you have your five years plan written out and if you are somebody that submits your life to God at some point, God will disrupt your plans and put his own plan. He starts to lead your life in the way he wants it to go. I think that’s the typical story of my life. This whole acting was just God that launched me and put me in this direction. There is no way I’m going to talk about myself and not talk about my relationship with God. I’m a Christian.

How does it feel to feature in the movie ‘A Tribe called Judah’?
It felt great to be back on set with Aunty Funke Akindele and I don’t know, there is a lot of emotion; sweet, exciting. It’s really great to be back. Before we did A tribe called Judah, we did Bashorun Gaa together but it wasn’t her project. It was for BAP (Bolanle Austen Peters). It’s always really like good vibes, energy, fun and laughter being on her set. It felt so good to be back.

So, at what point did the spotlight come for you in the industry?
That will be during Jenifas Dairy, it was really unplanned. Nothing really prepares you for fame. I didn’t think I would be famous. I used to have one drama group in UNILAG and our tutor used to tell us that there are some actors that will never be famous and it doesn’t mean there are not good and it just happens to some people. He kept mentioning names of fantastic actors we didn’t know. I believe that God gives different grace to different people. It doesn’t mean that you are not talented or good enough. That’s how God is. When the first season of Jenifa’s dairy came out I never believed I would be famous or come for the next season until people started calling Toyo baby and I became famous. The movie did it for me.

What will you reject a script?
I will reject a script 100 per cent. If it doesn’t align with my values.

What are some of the challenges you face being an actor?
I think it would be the fact that sometimes it is not how good you are, it’s about the people you know. You might get a role and probably the person dropping money for the project doesn’t like you or prefers someone else and then they drop you for that person. For you, it breaks your heart because you have pictured yourself playing that role and then they drop you last minute. Another challenge takes a lot of your time. I was saying that landlords should start giving actors discount because we are rarely at home. You are always up and about. It takes a lot of your time and people don’t really know how much work it takes to be an actor. You need to be mentally, emotionally and physically stable. It takes everything from you even though it looks like we are ‘playing’. People think we are players but it’s a lot of work. Even just waiting on set to shoot your own scene, reading the script and getting into character amongst others are challenging. Every job has its own challenges, sometimes I feel like actors have these stigmas. People think they are wayward or wild. You can’t just judge anybody because of their profession. You cannot judge anybody because of their looks. Looks can be deceptive. That person you think is the wildest and most deceptive person can be sweet. The person looks that way because they choose it or they don’t see it as anything bad. That’s their style. Meanwhile the person you think is the best might actually be the devil. You never know who is who unless you have a discerning spirit or you meet them. I feel there is just that stigma or tag that actors are promiscuous, they cannot have a good marriage.

Are there down moments when you felt you were in the wrong profession?
Yes, there are times where you are like what am I doing. I had moments like that when you think that what am I doing here. Am I not supposed to be something else? The lord directs your life and you check with him to see what is the plan for me? You will see if he still wants you here and I will just be here because every job has its challenges.

You have acted several roles, are there still dream roles you look forward to playing?
Yes. I would love to be like Angelina Jolie and fight, play a role like they did in Fast and Furious. Or like Wakanda with super powers to fly. While in Nollywood, I feel like whatever the role is, when it comes it will align

Which genre will you say you are comfortable acting in?
Either of the two. I used to think I preferred to do English movies. There is this proper epic Yoruba movie we did and I got my first lead role in an epic role. I was scared. I thought about how I would speak Yoruba because it’s different from the usual one we speak everyday but I was up to the task and I did my assignment. I got someone to read my script with me. When I got on stage and said my first lines everyone just clapped for me. I loved the whole vibes of the movie and the moral and culture portrayed. I can’t pick one. I love both genre.


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