Traders decry closure of computer village market during inauguration of Lagos Rail project

Section of Computer Village, Ikeja, Lagos. SOURCE:Zikoko

Traders at the popular Computer Village Market, known for the sale of Information Communication Technology products, yesterday, decried the closure of the market during the inauguration of the first phase of the Red Line Mass Transit Rail project of Lagos State government by President Bola Tinubu.

The closure did not go down well with many of the traders and operators within the market, as they wondered why being punished for the commissioning of the project even though the project would also be beneficial to them.

The market was shut down and commercial activities paralysed as several roads leading to the market were blocked with hundreds of security operatives, including well-armed policemen, civil defence, DSS and soldiers on ground.

The Department of State Services (DSS) operatives were seen chasing after hoodlums or anyone caught videoing the ugly scene around the area. A trader, who simply gave his name as Tajudeen Abass, said: “What is the need to close the market when many of us earn our living daily in the market? The market has nothing to do with the commissioning. So, why close it.”

Another trader, Oluchi Okoye, said that she was not really happy that the market was closed just simply for the commissioning.

“Do you know how much traders would have lost on sales today? The government should think better and not compound our plight.”


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