Tragedy as two commit suicide in Ogun

SP Omolola Odutola

The police in Ogun State have confirmed the tragic death of two people through suicide in different areas of the state.

The Guardian gathered that the first incident involved a 24-year-old woman, Gift Bello, who allegedly plunged into a well at Arigbanwo along Mowe, in Obafemi-Owode Local Council of the state.

An eyewitness said Bello drowned after jumping into the well and was later recovered lifeless.

The witness, who pleaded anonymity, said the circumstances surrounding her death are under investigation, adding that an autopsy has been scheduled to shed light on the tragedy.

Also, in another part of the state, a man identified as Opeyemi Lateef reportedly took his life by consuming poisonous substances.

The Guardian learnt that Lateef’s wife discovered him in excruciating pain with a bottle of the lethal substance on the floor.

Despite being rushed to multiple hospitals for treatment, Lateef succumbed to the effects of the poison and was reportedly laid to rest according to Islamic burial rites.

Confirming the incidents, spokesperson for the Ogun State Police Command, Omolola Odutola said investigations are underway to unravel the circumstances leading to these tragic outcomes.

According to her, witnesses have provided statements, indicating the presence of the poison bottle at the scene of the incident.

“The community is grappling with shock and sadness as they come to terms with the loss of two lives in such distressing circumstances.

“The authorities urge anyone struggling with mental health issues or contemplating suicide to seek help and support from relevant organisations and individuals,” she advised.


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