Travel company rallies youths to jobs in aviation

A Travel solution company, FCM Nigeria, has rallied school pupils and adults to emerging entrepreneurial opportunities in the aviation sector.

Besides taking its #TeachToFish project to Lagos schools, FCM has also advocated for the inclusion of entrepreneurial training in school curriculum to prepare young Nigerians of age 15-20 years for self-employment early in life.

At a launch of the initiative at Herbert Macaulay Girls High School and Birrel Comprehensive High School in Adekunle-Yaba, Lagos, recently, Head of Business, FCM Nigeria, Adejoju Sikuade, said the motive of the initiative was to encourage creativity among young Nigerians as well as create more rooms for employment.

Sikuade said: “In a report published by the World Bank in 2020, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a major role in most economies, especially in developing countries. Having this understanding, we saw an opportunity to invest in young Nigerians by training them on some entrepreneurial skills, financial literacy and also enlighten them on career opportunities that exist in the aviation industry other than becoming a pilot.”

The Travel Management Company (TMC) launched the project by organising training on digital marketing, shoe making, soap making and so on for Senior Secondary Students at Herbert Macaulay Girls High School and Birrel Comprehensive High School. Students were also enlightened on career opportunities that exist in the aviation industry.

“With the global pandemic causing a huge shift in the way businesses operate and a huge reduction in jobs, there is no better time to enlighten our people, especially the young ones, on becoming creative entrepreneurs and SME owners in the near future.”

“We, therefore, wish to suggest to the Government and the Ministry of Education that entrepreneurial skills be included in secondary school students’ curriculum,” Adejoju added.
