Tribute To Amaechi Nwaiwu


MAN is accustomed to the realities of death as he is of birth. The Holy Writ summarises this principle of duality when it awakens us in the Book of Ecclesiastes 3:2 to the fact that by reason of the purpose backing the existence of every created being, there is “a time to be born and a time to die”.

Death, they say, lurks within the corridors of life. Racing with the season of the sun and like claws twinkling like the pendulum of time, it waits at our end, a destined end to our mortal existence. I am still shocked beyond words and yet to come to terms with the reality that you are really no more.

Sunday, June 14, 2015 was a sunny day like any other day on the surface of the earth, when the earth stood still for the departure of a hero that will never be forgotten as long as the history of mankind is concerned.

Starting off as a little boy in the early 60s in the then Eastern Region of Nigeria, with diligence and sheer determination you completed your primary and secondary education with flying colours. The zeal to be learned inspired you to obtain a Bachelor of Laws degree and get called to the Nigerian Bar.

Your passion for law and quest for self improvement drove you not only to obtain a Masters degree in Law in 1999, but also a Doctorate degree in the year 2001. As a legal practitioner, you were an epitome of erudition and distinction, diligence and excellence.

You were indeed an invaluable asset to the legal profession. Your sudden demise has no doubt left a vacuum that can never be filled. I was privileged to have known and worked with you for over a decade.

You were a very close friend, a dependable associate, and a fine colleague. You were also a perfect gentleman; core professional, committed family man and devout Christian who lived an exemplary life worthy of emulation.

When the birds sing in an abnormal melody, it is said that something incomprehensible to the mortal man has happened, but to God it is a mere action.

God’s wisdom is infinite, his ways are mysterious and we cannot challenge him. We love you Amaechi but God knows best. As Christians, the Holy Bible in Thessalonians 4:13 teaches us not to mourn like unbelievers.

It is our fervent prayer that the Almighty God will grant us all, especially your immediate family, the fortitude to bear this irreplaceable loss.

We have lost a rare gem and words alone cannot express the magnitude of my sadness over your painful death. I can say that you LIVED; because I cannot see your face any longer.

I can also say that you are STILL LIVING; because as believers we do not die when such happens but sleep in the bosom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and we shall all rise and meet at His feet when He comes the second time.

I am consoled by the legacy you left behind and by the fact that you left indelible footprints in the sands of time during your sojourn on earth. You lived an exemplary lifestyle and impacted positively on the life of many.

Memories of you will forever remain green in my heart. We will forever miss you, my dear learned brother silk. You passed on in the perfect place; rest on Learned Silk, in perfect peace, my dear Chief (Dr.) Sir, Ameachi Nwaiwu SAN, FCIArb (UK).

