Troops foil attempt to kidnap Turkish school students, rescue 180 others

Nigerian Troops PHOTO:Twitter

Troops of Quick Response Force of 1 Division, Nigerian Army, Friday, foiled attempt by armed bandits to kidnap students of Turkish International Secondary School located in Rigachikun, Kaduna State, the Military has said.

The Director Army Public Relations Brigadier General Mohammed Yerima, in a statement, revealed that, “acting on a tip off on the impending abduction of the school children, troops quickly mobilized to protect the school from the bandits.

“However, while the troops were securing the secondary school, another distress call came that bandits had stormed the Federal School of Forestry Mechanization, Afaka, Igabi Local Government Area of the state with aim of kidnapping the staff and students. The troops swiftly moved to Afaka and decisively engaged the armed bandits”.

The statement continued that, “following the fire fight, troops were able to rescue 180 persons, consisting of 132 male students, 40 female students and 8 civilian staff.

“The bandits were said to have broken into the institution by breaching the perimeter fence of the school. The rescued students have been evacuated to a safe place while the injured are presently receiving medical attention at a military facility.

“Meanwhile, a combined team of Army, Air Force, Police and DSS are currently combining the forest in pursuit of the bandits”.


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