Truly responsible public office holders

SIR: It is pathetic to note that most elected and appointed public office holders in Nigeria are merely occupying routine positions as they essentially lack apparent magnitude of integrity quotients required to merit the branches they perch on!

That is why the opportunistic office holders have reprobate characteristics of corruptly enriching themselves and fighting like bulls to grab transient positions, thus becoming liabilities that drain public funds!

They care only for their insatiable stomachs, families, hirelings and cronies in misappropriating public funds! Like kids’ musical chairs, the privileged few holders of public offices, in vicious recycle, have institutionalised crass ignorance and abject poverty in a country with abundant mineral resources and very high potentialities for prosperity!

They are too selfish, wasteful and greedy, thus making preys out of multi-million vulnerable, impoverished and gullible citizens!

Nigeria’s huge fortunes have been recklessly turned into resource-curse because of the epidemic leadership calamities experienced since independence! Their personal and desperate ambitions have relegated highly desirable and productive responsibilities to abyss of underdevelopment. Majority of public office holders are leeches, hence they steal public funds, build mansions or stack the loots in banks abroad with no physical enterprises to boost local economy. They live riotously above legitimate means!

• Kunle Rotimi, Lagos.



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