Trump under fire for sexism after vulgar Clinton jibes

Republican frontrunner Donald Trump found himself accused of sexism again Tuesday after he coined a vulgar new term of abuse while attacking rival Hillary Clinton.

Whipping up a raucous crowd of supporters in Michigan on Monday night, Trump’s scorn for his democratic rival took a sexually graphic and personal turn.

Recalling the 2008 presidential race, in which Hillary lost out to Barack Obama in the battle for the Democratic nomination, Trump appeared to reach for a Yiddish term.

“She was favored to win and she got schlonged. She lost, I mean she lost,” he said, apparently turning the noun “schlong” — a penis — into a verb meaning “to beat.”

Then, with the partisan crowd cheering him on, he turned to an incident on Saturday when Clinton returned late to a televised debate after a bathroom break.

“I know where she went, it’s disgusting, I don’t want to talk about it,” Trump said. “No, it’s too disgusting. Don’t say it, it’s disgusting.”

This was not the first time during the campaign that the thrice-married billionaire real estate mogul has expressed distaste for women’s bodily functions.

In August, Trump triggered widespread outrage when he insinuated that Fox News host Megyn Kelly had subjected him to sharp questioning because she may have been menstruating.

Trump’s personal attacks on women also extended to his rival for the Republican nomination, Carly Fiorina, of whom he declared: “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?”

His latest outburst drew predictable anger. Liberal site Think Progress dubbed it an “astonishingly sexist attack” and Slate magazine called it “jaw-dropping” sexism.

Clinton’s team urged supporters to make their voices heard a nd to denounce Trump and his belittling remarks.

“We are not responding to Trump but everyone who understands the humiliation this degrading language inflicts on all women should,” campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri said on Twitter.

Trump, a reality television star turned White House candidate, has ridden out all the fury directed his way after previous outbursts.

Polls show the 69-year-old New Yorker remains the frontrunner for the Republican nomination.

Trump’s speeches are often unscripted, and his supporters applaud him for what they see as his authenticity and disdain for political correctness.

A new survey, however, shows that those voters who have not been won over are turned off by his bombast and belligerence.

Fifty percent of registered US voters said in a Quinnipiac poll released Tuesday that they would be “embarrassed” to have Trump as president, compared to 23 percent who said they would be proud.

If Clinton were elected, 33 percent would be proud and 35 percent would be embarrassed, according to the poll.

Quinnipiac has Trump leading the Republican field with 28 percent support, followed by Senator Ted Cruz at 24 percent and Senator Marco Rubio at 12.

Clinton tops the Democratic race with 61 percent support, twice the score of independent Senator Bernie Sanders, who trails on 30 percent.

