TUC advocates policies to prioritise workers’ wellbeing

Trade Union Congress (TUC). Photo: NigeriaBusinessDirectory

The Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC) Lagos State Council has advocated the creation of policies that prioritise the well-being of all citizens and promote inclusive development.

The state’s Secretary, Abiodun Aladetan, in a statement, said in recent years, economic policies have disproportionately targeted fixed-income earners, exacerbating the financial strain and insecurity faced by workers. He said the erosion of purchasing power due to stagnant wages and rising inflation has made it increasingly challenging for workers to afford necessities.

According to him, many find themselves caught in a cycle of financial hardship, where even essential expenses such as food and healthcare become unattainable luxuries.

The TUC chief stresses that the repercussions of the policies extend beyond individual households, contributing to the erosion of the middle class and widening the gap between the wealthy elite and the working populace.

The socioeconomic divide, Aladetan said, not only undermines societal stability but also perpetuates systemic inequalities that hinder inclusive economic growth.

Amidst the challenges, he said workers grapple with uncertainty about the future, exacerbated by the relentless devaluation of the national currency against foreign currencies.

The ripple effects of economic instability, he maintained reverberate through every aspect of workers’ lives, compounding their hardships and diminishing their hopes for a better tomorrow.

However, in the face of the daunting realities, Aladetan said workers must unite in pursuit of a more equitable and prosperous Nigeria. While acknowledging the efforts of the present government, he said it was essential to advocate for policies that prioritise the well-being of all citizens and promote inclusive development.

According to him, constructive dialogue and collaboration between government stakeholders and labour representatives are crucial in charting a path forward that addresses the needs of workers and fosters sustainable economic growth.

“By engaging in open and transparent discussions, we can identify innovative solutions to the challenges at hand and build consensus on policies that benefit the entire nation.

“As we celebrate May Day, workers across the nation are anxiously awaiting news that could significantly impact their livelihoods. The expiration of the Minimum Wage, signed into law on April 18, 2019, has sparked both anticipation and apprehension among workers, reflecting the precarious state of the nation’s economy.

“As we navigate these uncertain times, let us recommit ourselves to the principles of unity, compassion and solidarity. Together, we can forge a brighter future for all Nigerians, where every individual can thrive and contribute to the prosperity of our nation,” he said.


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