Two allegedly killed in Delta communal clash

Two people have been reportedly killed as two communities- Igbide and Okpolo-Enhwe-clashed over farmland in Isoko south Local Council of Delta State.
Sources told The Guardian in Asaba yesterday that Messrs Orogun and Isaiah were allegedly killed, while several others sustained injuries as irate youths attempted to burn down houses in the town.
“The attack took everyone by surprise, when Okpolo/Enhwe crept into Igbide farmlands at Owodokpokpo to kill and maim us.
“The attack on Igbide began in full force at about 0500hrs this morning when masses of Okpolo-Enhwe people and their mercenary, armed to the teeth, swooped on Igbide community.
Contacted, the Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) DSP Edafe Bright, who confirmed the incident said: “We are yet to receive any dead body from the communities.
“Even till now, it has not been reported that anybody died. By my records, nobody died, but I can confirm that there was a clash and is being handled by the CP, who met with the leaders of the two communities to nip it in the bud.


