UAE to support Bayelsa on agric, gas, seaport devt

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has said that it will support Bayelsa State to develop its gas resources, agriculture and seaport.
The UAE Ambassador to Nigeria, Salem Saeed Al-Shamsi, stated this at a meeting with the Bayelsa State Governor, Douye Diri, at the embassy, in Abuja, yesterday.

The UAE envoy, who appreciated Diri’s visit, noted that it was the first time they were meeting, but that he had followed developments in Bayelsa and is impressed with the governor’s performance.

Al-Shamsi commended the governor for establishing a new ministry on blue economy to tap and develop the state’s maritime potential. He also said that information available to him was that Bayelsa is peaceful and had recently successfully conducted local council elections.
He said that his country is willing to collaborate and support the state, and would welcome a visit of its team to Abu Dhabi, the UAE capital city.

Responding, the Bayelsa governor equally expressed appreciation to the envoy for the warm reception.Diri noted that his visit was divine as the ambassador already had in mind virtually all he wanted to discuss with him.
He welcomed the opportunity of meeting with UAE officials to foster bilateral cooperation and relationship in areas of educational, science and technology development.


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