Ugwuanyi moves to resolve insecurity crisis in Isi-Uzo Council

Enugu State Governor, Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi (left), Peoples Democratic Party’s (PDP) state chairman, Augustine Nnamani, and the Commissioner for Environment, Chijioke Edeoga, during the security meeting between the governor and stakeholders of Eha-Amufu Community, Isi-Uzo Local Council … yesterday. 

The emergency security meeting between Enugu State Governor, Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi and stakeholders of Eha-Amufu, Isi-Uzo Local Council of the state, as well as heads of security agencies in the council among others, yesterday, ended on a good note. It had in attendance stakeholders including the Bishop of Eha-Amufu Diocese (Anglican Communion), Rt. Rev. Daniel Olinya, other clergymen and traditional rulers. They were optimistic that the outcome of the meeting would solve the problem in the community.

Ugwuanyi had convened the meeting to decisively resolve the recent security challenges that erupted in Mgbuji Village, in Eha-Amufu, Isi-Uzo Local Council of the state.

The Commissioner of Police, Enugu State Command, CP Abubakar Lawal, visited the area yesterday, alongside the Commander of 82 Division Garrison Command of the Nigerian Army, Brig. Gen. Chris Ataki and the State Director of Department of State Services (DSS), Mr. Habu Daluwa.

An on-the-spot assessment tour of Mgbuji Village, according to a statement, by the Enugu State Police Command enabled the Commissioner of Police and security chiefs to jointly assess, strategise and put in place immediate measures to avert further occurrence of the incidence and other heinous criminal acts, allegedly perpetrated by miscreants suspected to have intruded into the area from border communities in Benue State.

Addressing newsmen after the closed-door meeting at the Government House, Enugu, Bishop Olinya disclosed that the meeting was a successful one, as the discussion and decisions reached would help to solve the problems.

The anglican bishop commended Ugwuanyi for his intervention, stressing that the governor has done what he was supposed to do.

According to the cleric: “Those of us from Eha-Amufu are going to do our own, as we go back and we are sure that from this time onward, by the grace of God, Eha-Amufu’s problem will be solved.

“God is going to help us and everything will be well. We are very grateful for what the governor has done.”

Also speaking, a community leader in Mgbuji and former President General, Mgbuji Autonomous Community, Chief Eric Ebeh, thanked Ugwuanyi for all he has been doing for the people of the area in particular and Isi-Uzo Local Council in general, pointing out that governor’s current intervention has again showcased his strength and capability.


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