UK to host African Film and Music Awards

The United kingdom has put plans in motion as it is getting set to host the African Film & Music Awards (AFMA).

P Tee Money

AFMA awards has unquestionably become a rallying point in London and its environs, as it is an event that seeks to celebrate and recognise the achievements of both past and present African stars in the film and music industry, cutting across the entire African continent.The event has remained in the minds of entertainment fans and industry watchers since its first iteration.

AFMA founder and Chief Executive Officer, Prince Thompson Iyamu, popularly known as P Tee Money, while reiterating the need for AFMA and the objectives they seek to achieve, in a statement, said their goal is to recognise and applaud the efforts of past music and film stars, as well as to encourage and inspire young and upcoming generation of entertainers to do more.

“Our mission is to celebrate black excellence by appreciating the efforts that have been made by past film and music practitioners in order to inspire upcoming actors, actresses, musicians and film practitioners who are thriving to make a name for themselves in the African film and music industry all over the African continent,”he said.

Prince Thompson, who is also the CEO of P Tee Money Music and Hairarchitecture Ltd, said AFMA is saddled with the responsibility of ensuring that all the music and film practitioners such as film actors, actresses, and musicians in the African film and music industry are given the accolades they richly and meritoriously deserve; and by so doing they intend to portray to the world the beauty of African film and music.

The African film and music award is established not only out of the need to appreciate Africa’s finest talents in the field of music and film, but also to develop and deliver a quality and innovative pomp of heritage and prestige to celebrate their acts and innovations.

“We intend to make the AFMA award one of a kind; an award that everyone in the African film and music industry will be proud to have.”

“It will not only recognise excellence in heritage retention and conservation, but it will also highlight imagination and innovations. It will be an award show for film, television, theatre, motion picture, music and popular cultures that promote the values of the African heritage to the wider global community,” he added.


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