“Under Lt. Col Kefas (Rtd), the birth of a new Taraba awaits us”

When I first heard about Lt. Col. (Rtd) Abgu Kefas’s declaration to become the governor of Taraba under the People’s Democratic Party, (PDP) platform, I considered people of my dear state as lucky ones who are about to embrace the development, unprecedented industrialization and good governance. 

As a Taraba state native and a passionate advocate for progress, Lt. Col. Kefas I know is committed to building on the achievements of the current administration. Taraba state has made significant strides in recent years, from improving access to healthcare and education to expanding economic opportunities. As we look to the future, we must continue this momentum and build on the successes of past administrations. By embracing a government of continuity, we can ensure that the gains made by previous administrations are not lost and that the state continues to move forward towards a brighter, more prosperous future. Lt. Col. Kefas committed to working collaboratively with stakeholders at all levels to ensure that Taraba state overtakes other states’ development, innovation, and progress.

Since the return to democratic rule in 1999, the people of Taraba State have kept faith in PDP. The support of the people which spanned over 23 years has brought some notable developmental strides across the state.

Already, a foundation has been laid by successive governments and Lt. Col. Kefas will build on the frameworks that have been put in place and reposition our dear state on the path of sustainable growth and development. 

The world today is ruled by ideas and Lt. Col. Kefas’s coming into the foray of mainstream politics is to contribute his quota to the growth and development of Taraba state,  using great ideas that will put Taraba among the comity of States in Nigeria and beyond. The forthcoming elections offer a  great opportunity for us to get this done and I believe Tarabans would entrust him with their mandate and he will put them first in the task of building a State that all will be proud of. God has prepared  Lt. Col. Kefas for this task for a long time and his experience and exposure in the military and the civil space have equipped him with the requisite knowledge and capacity to serve the good people of Taraba at this time and create a much better atmosphere for economic prosperity for all.

Lt. Col.  Kefas will tackle insecurity, promote harmonious coexistence and better the living standard of Taraba citizens.

With nearly 4 million inhabitants, the solution he envisages to the numerous challenges of Taraba would be all-encompassing and he would seek the buy-in of all the major stakeholders to actualize this. His administration shall run an inclusive government devoid of discrimination irrespective of political,  religious or ethnic affiliations. 

Lt. Col. Kefas will reposition the State and give every  Taraban a sense of belonging. By the grace of God and your support, Col Kefas shall win the election and it will be in history books that the mandate is for the people.

The New Taraba agenda under Col. Kefas’s  watch  shall be anchored on “The  KEFAS’ 5- Strategic Fingers’ Development  Plan.” The 5-Finger Strategy includes  A Knowledge-Based Economy, Education & Infrastructural development, Functional Economic Support &  Tourism Development, Actionable Policies & Reforms in  Government and Special Focus on Security among others.

Lt. Col. Kefas has a passion for development and a track record of successful leadership, I am confident in his ability to serve the people of Taraba with honesty, integrity, and dedication. He is committed to working tirelessly to address the pressing issues facing Taraba state, from improving access to healthcare and education to creating sustainable economic opportunities for all Tarabans. If elected, I’m confident Kefas is ready to hit the ground running to work collaboratively with stakeholders at all levels to build a brighter future for Taraba state.

I am not a member of any organised political party but I truly believe that we should vote for Lt.col kefas Agbu because he is the most experienced, has proven performance, and he genuinely cares about the future of our dear state Taraba.

