UNIBEN alumni condole with victims of Bristow crash

Bristow-Helicopter-2-CopyTHE university of Benin Alumni Association (UBAA), Lagos Branch has commiserated with families who lost their loved ones in the August 12 Bristow Helicopter crash in Lagos.

In a statement issued in Lagos by its Chairman, Barr. E. Oriazuwa, the association commended the Lagos State government, National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA) and Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), local divers and fishermen and all those involved in the rescue operation where six lives were saved.

“We call for the provision of proper equipment and training for emergency services to ensure a more effective discharge of their duties and the general training of Nigerians on emergency drill, with the creation of the Citizen Emergency Volunteer Scheme.

“While we pray for the quick recovery of the six injured persons in the accident, we also pray for the sweet repose of the souls of those who died in the crash and ask God to grant their families the fortitude to bear the loss,” the statement read.

