Unity school alumni offer student scholarship

Unity Senior Secondary School Old Students Association (USSOSA), ‘95 set, has awarded scholarship to a student, Akinwumi Akinola, up to university level.

President of the association, Sir Jude Chiedu, enjoined Nigerians to be compassionate and honest, saying these virtues are imperative for growth and development.

Chiedu, who spoke at the association’s mega reunion and award night lamented that the society is fast losing values, as love no longer exist among the people.

According to him, the group has been helping the needy, and assisting indigents with palliatives to cushion the effect of the harsh economy.

Chiedu said one of the factors that has distinguished the association from others was integrity and love.

Also speaking, a coach and chairman, Board of Trustees of the association, Dr Tony Akabuno, said the reunion was an opportunity for members to meet, network and deliberate on how to further assist their alma mater.

Akabuno, who was the first head boy of the school, said the association has executed so many projects to uplift the school and would continue to do more to restore its lost glory.

He said: “The key word for members is to be charitable. Everything cannot be left to the government. So, let us not be complainers but doers.”

In the same vein, the immediate past president of ‘95 set and also the immediate past president of the old students association general, Augustine Uwandu, who spoke virtually, noted that the reunion was an opportunity to re-connect with friends from the past.

Uwandu added that the meeting was a time to reflect, celebrate achievements, and rekindle the spirit of camaraderie.

“Reflecting on my time as president of the ‘95 set and the general platform, I am reminded of the incredible journey we undertook together, and serving this esteemed association was a privilege that I will forever cherish,” he added.
