Unjust teaching practice in Govt school, Abuja

Government Model Secondary School, Maitama, Abuja, runs extra lessons for her students after the school hours and equally gets paid for doing so from the parents whose children participate in the extra lessons. It is a welcome development but something is wrong about it and should be corrected before it is too late. The teachers that take these students during the extra lessons teach in the same school as government’s owned teachers but prefer attending to the students only when it is time for the extra lessons. It may interest you to know that during the school hours, some of the teachers go for their personal businesses after signing the register to show they have come to school and return when it is time for the extra lessons.

Some of these teachers that manage to stay without going out after signing the register still don’t attend to students. They log into social media platforms to chat, post, like pictures, like videos, watch them, comment on them and do many other things to while away time until that period for extra lessons. Parents whose children attend extra lessons pay Three Thousand Naira (N3, 000) per each student after ending of every month. This is a supreme cheating. The teachers in question collect their salaries after ending of every month for doing nothing. Thereafter, collect what the parents’ pay for extra classes to add to their salaries and continued with the act.

Therefore, it is obvious to see that for those who can’t afford to pay the needed amount for the so-called extra lessons, their children won’t learn anything since these teachers don’t teach during the school hours. However, it is sad that almost all that teach at the school in question as government’s owned teachers are at the same time the extra lessons’ teachers who don’t perform as government’s teachers but receive their salaries and perform as private teachers to the parents that enrolled their children in for extra lessons.
To the FCT Ministry of Education, this should be discouraged and discontinued after the resumption of schools!

Awunah Pius Terwase, Mpape, Abuja. Tel.09052385238 (terwaseawunah@gmail.com)


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