Unknown persons kill 46-year-old man in Delta

SP Bright Edafe

• Police nab two for staging own kidnap

Unknown persons have killed a 46-year-old man, Stanley Iyeli, in Ubulu-Uku town, Aniocha South Local Council of Delta State.

The Guardian learnt that the deceased was killed on June 10, and his lifeless body found along a bush path.
The deceased’s elder brother, Paul, said Stanley was attacked with daggers and other dangerous weapons by unknown assailants who are currently on the run.

He said the family had been looking for the deceased for days before his mutilated body was found along the road. Immediately, they reported to the police at Ubulu-Uku and Ogwashi Uku.

Confirming the development, spokesperson for Delta State Police Command, SP Bright Edafe, said officers have swung into action to fish out the killers.

He also confirmed the arrest of one Nelson Eserada ‘m’, a student of the Banking and Finance Department at Delta State University, Abraka, and his friend, Jerry Lawrence ‘m’ of Jeddo community.

Both were accused of staging a false kidnap. Edafe said they were arrested following a complaint received from the father of Nelson at Abraka Division, that his son was kidnapped, and that the abductors demanded a ransom of N50 million in bitcoins.

The suspects had sent a video of the supposed victim tied up and being tortured.
Following the development, the Divisional Police Officer (DPO), Abraka, SP Fabian Ayameh, embarked on an intelligence-led investigation, and on June 10, at about 20:00 p.m., arrested Jerry in connection with the crime.

Edafe said investigation revealed that the duo conspired and that Nelson’s father had paid a N5.2 million ransom through a bitcoin account belonging to Jerry.


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