Uphold core values of YABATECH, rector charges workers


Rector, Yaba College of Technology (YABATECH), Dr Ibraheem Abdul, yesterday, joined in celebrating workers for their resilience, even as he tasked his team to uphold the core values and vision of the institution.

While commending the workers for their support since he assumed office, Abdul noted that their cooperation has assisted his administration in recording monumental achievements, particularly in the area of academics, infrastructure and training.

He, however, stressed the need for the workers to reflect on their attitude to the system and show positivity in their actions, to enable the administration achieve its set goals.

He said: “I enjoined us all to uphold the core values, vision and mission of the college and present administration’s strategic plan of consolidating on the past and shaping its future. Let us reflect on our attitude to the system and show positivity that would enable us get to the goals.”


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