UPU Leaders Misled Urhobo On Guber Candidate, Says Kokori

Kokori‘Implement Uvwiamughe Declaration Now’

AS the Delta state governorship election draws near, the Urhobo Leaders Integrity Group, led by former NUPENG secretary general, Chief Frank kokori, has urged leaders of the Urhobo Progress Union (UPU) to implement the Uvwiamughe declaration, which the entire nation agreed on last year concerning the Delta state governorship election, in order to avoid a crisis. 

   The declaration was an affirmation by the Urhobo that they would only support an Urhobo candidate from the then two big parties PDP and APC – which clearly favoured the APC governoship candidate, O’tega Emerhor, after the PDP candidate initially endorsed by the Urhobo lost out in the primaries.

   There are indications, however, that the UPU has expanded the two party limit of the declaration to now include Great Ogboru’s Labour Party, a development, which the APC proponents, including the integrity group, saw as breach of the Uvwiamughe declaration. 

   The Uhrobo Leaders Integrity Group has, therefore, urged all patriotic Urhobo across the globe “to resist with all means at their disposal any attempt by any retrogressive decision on Urhobo nation.” 

   Kokori urged the UPU leadership to immediately implement the famous Uvwiamughe declaration, which he said favours Emerhor, the governorship candidate of the APC, or in the alternative strategically wait until after the presidential elections to guarantee a fallback position. 

   Kokori said: “As we can see, the Urhobo nation is today at a crossroad, nay Nigeria! Any faulty move now will perpetually put our people in jeopardy. The past eight years have been particularly harrowing for the entire Urhobo nation; eight years of Governor Uduaghan’s years of the locust and in between six years of President Goodluck Jonathan’s years of humiliation and uncaring contempt of the Urhobo people. 

   “Our people were totally pushed to the wall after these years of shame and humiliation. Then our great and revered UPU came to the rescue with the famous and patriotic Uvwiamughe declaration in mid-2014. It was a masterstroke. The people’s confidence on the dwindling reputation of the UPU was immediately rekindled once more and the leadership of the UPU were back on track.” 

   Kokori expressed worry that the UPU leadership is not providing genuine direction as can be seen from the blurred signal on the political direction of the Urhobo people.

