Usyk suspended from boxing as Fury seeks rematch

[FILES] Oleksandr Usyk punches Tyson Fury during the IBF, WBA, WBC, WBO and Undisputed Heavyweight titles’ fight between Tyson Fury and Oleksandr Usyk at Kingdom Arena on May 18, 2024 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (Photo by AFP)
The British Boxing Board of Control has suspended Oleksandr Usyk’s boxing licence until July 2, 2024, even as Tyson Fury has exercised his right to a rematch with the man who beat him in Saudi Arabia at the weekend.

The reasons for this decision to suspend Usyk are not specified, but it is likely a precautionary measure due to the injuries he sustained in the fight against Fury.

Earlier, promoter Oleksandr Krasiuk said that Usyk had suffered a minor injury after the fight with the Briton. He needs a week to recover.

Before that, Usyk defeated Fury and became the undisputed world champion in the heavyweight division. Tyson landed more punches, but Oleksandr was more accurate.

Meanwhile, Promoter Frank Warren has confirmed that Fury would trigger the rematch clause to face Usyk again in October 2024, for the undisputed heavyweight championship.

It was the incredible Ukrainian Usyk who prevailed in the first fight, last weekend, May 18, in Saudi Arabia to be crowned this century’s first ever undisputed world heavyweight champion.

Fury appeared to have the upper hand in the first half of the fight until Usyk came on strong to buzz him with a huge left hand in the ninth, ruled a knockdown after the ropes kept the British boxer upright.

The rematch will be expected to hold on the weekend of October 12-13th in Riyadh.

However, former British boxer, Johnny Nelson, believes that rematch will not happen because the Gypsy King will be considering retirement.

“I know there’s a rematch clause. I don’t really think that will happen,” the 57-year-old told Seconds Out. “I know a fighter’s psyche, and the things Fury said before and after (about Usyk), no matter if he said it just for headlines or whatever, it’s hard to swallow.

“Remember, (Usyk) is ‘a gap-toothed, jumped up middleweight’. All the insults, everything he threw at this man, he’s a walking contradiction. So how will Tyson get his head round it? Especially when he looks at his performance. Will he get his head right? I don’t think he will.

“I think this will make Tyson seriously consider walking away from this game. He’s a wealthy man, and he’s a fighting man who believes hand on heart that he’s the best in the world. Now this has happened it’ll be hard for him to digest it, to accept it… I think he’ll struggle.”


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