UWGN, U.S. Embassy empower Borno youths

US Embassy
United States (US) Embassy in Nigeria

After training 150 youths drawn from different communities across Lagos State, United Way Greater Nigeria (UWGN), in partnership with United States (U.S.) Embassy, Abuja, has announced the successful graduation of the Promoting Inclusive Economic Growth and Development through Sustainable Project (PIE-GDP) Programme in Borno State.

The programme aims at empowering young people between the ages of 15 to 24 in Konduga and Maiduguri Metropolitan Local Council of Borno.

The graduation, held at Sir Kashim Ibrahim College of Education, marked a significant milestone in fostering sustainable entrepreneurship and economic empowerment in the lives of 100 young people in the one-year project. They were assigned trainers and mentors in their areas of interest.

The PIE-GDP equipped beneficiaries with diverse skills, including welding, tailoring, poultry farming, animal husbandry, perfume making, iron-binding, and provision store management. The aim was to foster self-sufficiency and entrepreneurship among community members.

Inspirational stories were shared by the leader of UWGN and beneficiaries, highlighting the transformative impact of the acquired skills on livelihoods.

Beneficiaries expressed gratitude and enthusiasm for the opportunities created through the programme. They were provided with startup materials, including sewing machines, welding equipment, livestock, hair-baking tools, perfumery kits, and provisions, ensuring they had the resources necessary to launch their entrepreneurial ventures.

UWGN also honoured outstanding community members and stakeholders for their contributions to the programme’s success, emphasising the importance of collaborative efforts in driving sustainable development.

Executive Director of UWGN, Deola Durodola, said the PIE-GDP graduation marked a pivotal moment in promoting community self-reliance and economic resilience.

“The beneficiaries are now equipped with the skills and resources to create sustainable livelihoods and contribute to the local economy.

“The programme’s aim is to continue supporting beneficiaries by extending assistance to those pursuing professional exams relevant to their acquired skills. This initiative aligns with the programme’s commitment to fostering long-term economic independence and growth.”


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