Valentine: Not just red

Who says your interior décor has to be red this valentine? Of course a touch of red here and there wouldn’t be a bad idea, but you don’t necessarily have to go overboard with red. You just have to mildly fill the space and atmosphere with a love theme that is centred on your partner’s or family’s favourite colours.
Need a reminder of Valentine’s Day symbolism? It’s love. And for many, love is not necessarily in the colour of décor but the effort, energy and passion put into making the atmosphere love-filled and the day significant.

Interestingly, this year’s valentine falls on a working Monday and there is barely enough time for heavy décor. Keep it simple because, as the saying goes, “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” Get as many love-oriented ornaments such as petals, flowers, throw pillows, candles and fragrance, but ensure that while putting them together, the décor is simple and organised.

Where to decorate

• Sitting room – This is a central space for all, especially for families. So a walk into your sitting room should reflect ‘Love in the air’. The atmosphere should be nerve- calming and beautiful enough to attract a smile.

• Bedroom – This is a valentine specific space for couples and the décor should be intentionally romantic. Petals and flowers of choice colour should be artful in love inscription on a white bedspread preferably.   


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