Varsity lecturers’ contaminated and adulterated remunerations – Part 4

My turn of mind should have been clear to all my readers by now. Those who were too blind to the extent that they did not have eyes to see the plight of our lecturers and professors have been given eyes here to see that our public universities have all along been contaminated and adulterated institutions. They are far more contaminated and far more adulterated than imported bad petrol that has grounded many of our vehicles and damaged our generators and other utensils of domestic utility. 

Indeed, the imported adulterated petrol is not in any way as harmful as the pauperised, contaminated and adulterated remunerations of our varsity lecturers and professors. Our public universities are essentially places for cripples because the pauperised, contaminated and adulterated remunerations of our egg-heads over the years have turned them into cripples. Their remunerations cannot buy them peanuts in any ordinary market and thus they will not dare to go to a supermarket to attempt to buy the nourishing edible seeds.  Behold, nourishing peanuts! Our professors’ contaminated and adulterated remunerations have crippled them and turned them away from you in the ordinary market and supermarket, which are harmful places of vices according to the gospel of their contaminated and adulterated purses and bags.

This ought to be worrisome to all persons who wrongly want to beg ASUU to terminate even for a few seconds its good rollover strike. Do they want our lecturers and professors to be perpetual beggars and cripples? Our lecturers and professors have the pleasant dream to make their students and government and all stakeholders ardently committed to our country’s tertiary education willing partners to light the bright flame of living bonfires in their patriotic hearts. 

The crippling, oppressive dream that they have dreamed and are still dreaming about their oppressive remunerations since 2009 must be awoken from now for good. And the federal government and our students and all stakeholders must also awake from their own contaminated and adulterated dreams and come to our lecturers and professors on their patriotic bright flame of sparkling bonfires. Our dons must end their weariness and are determined to do so. The current reality says so impressively. Our dons are returning home from the strange land of contamination and adulteration to re-examine the nature of education in our universities.
New sadness entered me in a most terrifying manner when I read a statement a top-ranking official of the Federal Ministry of Education tendered this past Monday in one of our newspapers. The official was reported to have said that ASUU was forcing the government to negotiate with it at gunpoint.  In fact, ASUU was said to hold a gun which it was pointing at the head of government to compel the latter to do the Union’s bidding. When will wonders end? Propaganda of propagandas!

What ASUU is rightly saying and correctly insisting on is that it is not going to re-negotiate an already negotiated agreement as far back as 2009. It is unjust and preposterous to do so. I can employ as many adjectives as there are to demolish the central government’s lame argument and disdainful posture. But let me restrain myself. Yet I should speak to our central government thus: Sit and stand erect and refrain from causing our universities further great harm. Wash off and clean all contaminated and adulterated conceptions, thoughts, tricks and deceits from your disciples and propagandists. Examine and re-examine their faces in order to discover their bewildering transformation contaminating our choices.
Speaking much more seriously, do the central government’s Ministries of Education and of Labour, for instance, take ASUU for a spineless Union that they can terrify and overthrow with their adulterated tricks and contaminated can “full of motley wickedness,” as Friedrich Nietzsche would have put it? Our lecturers’ and professors’ contaminated and adulterated remunerations may have put them in a state of gloom. But the central government’s “night-watchmen and grave-watchmen” of gloom cannot rattle our learned men and women who have since mastered the art of weariness that different governments of gloom rattling “gloomy keys” have caused them. Behold, Nietzsche! He is always now buoyantly on my mind!
And Festus Iyayi enters my consciousness. They killed him on the road several years back. The goodly good comrade of valour and of high commitment who was a positively powerful past President of ASUU could not flatter any government that was not a government. 

He detested their filth and all the grunting pigs and all vain fools in our central government’s respective Ministries of Education, Labour and Finance who were pauperizing our universities (and our rich land). He saw through all their adroit pauper-filthy hypocrisy. And they silenced him. ASUU was badly harmed. The Union was gloomily gloomy but not overwhelmed by the rotten tactic of the haters of pure learning and detesters of our universities. ASUU re-strategised and the members became more than prepared to halt any frothing fool divining his folly for our universities and how they should grow.
I remember one tarantula, a buoyant but giddy one, in Dr. Jonathan’s presidency. I can still see him on television brandishing a two hundred billion naira cheque-less cheque meant for our universities. (In fact, it was a worthless piece of television propaganda paper). All our lecturers and professors needed to demonstrate and do to get the first-tranche two hundred billions of naira were not to tarry to lure themselves to classes from their then stormy strike. The Festus Iyayi blow that devastated them readied their collective spirit for the stormy wind of the future. The promises of the “tarantula-hearts,” as Nietzsche would say were never fulfilled. And Festus Iyayi and ASUU did not get the justice that was justice.
General Muhammadu Buhari’s presidency has since carried over the counterfeit and contaminated promises of the former presidencynologists. And ASUU has devised a new tactic of roll overstrike to curb the dictatorial appetite of its deceiver and tormentors who can deceive and torment ASUU members no more.
Truly, ASUU has the thunder to spit against the wind of treachery crushing our universities and country.  Thunder!!! Fear not, comrades. This is the time for absolute courage, real truth, real justice and real loyalty. You are the crutch for our country’s super greatness. Not the tarantulas. Not the fiends. Not the egotists. Thunder!!! Descend!!! Thus speaks Afejuku.

To be terminated next Friday.

Afejuku can be reached via 08055213059.


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