Verification exercises killing us

Bank customers on queue to beat deadline before it was extended
Bank customers on queue to beat deadline before it was extended

SIR: Verification exercises being conducted across the country by different agencies are taking a great toll on Nigerians.

The verification by the banks has not been completed and yet the National Communication Commission (NCC) has come up with another exercise that subscribers should go and confirm their SIM cards or have their lines blocked.

Many Nigerians now have to abandon their means of livelihood to queue up to get their SIMs registered, thus spending man-hours. The government should intervene and save the innocent people who are made to pass this hardship for no fault of theirs.

We expect those agencies to find a way of curbing the way they register subscribers, so that Nigerians would not be unnecessarily put under too much pressure.

Many people have gone through the registration processes before. President Muhammadu Buhari’s directive that agencies should harmonise the registrations is laudable, at least to save people from this hardship.

• Bala Nayashi, Lokoja



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