Vision behind Anambra cargo airport

Sir: The Anambra International Cargo Airport, Umueri stands out as the most auspicious singular physical infrastructure capable of significantly enhancing the face of commerce and the entire economy of Anambra State embarked on by Governor Willie Obiano administration. It will equally propel the international trade interests of the South East to Olympian heights.  

Anambra cargo airport signpost

Interestingly, the history of the project portrays the wisdom in the strategic economic permutations of Dr. Chris Ngige and Mr. Peter Obi, both remarkable former Anambra State governors, during whose administrations the parcels of land at the present sight of the Cargo Airport were variously duly acquired without let to the rights and privileges of the Ivite-Umueri community, the customary owners of the project sight.  

These parcels of land did not suffer any haphazard or arbitrary delineation. Due processes and professional international best practices were deployed in their survey – with coordinates that bear them out. While Parcel A measures 760.279 hectares, Parcel B measures 539.781 hectares; and Parcels C and D measure 276.746 hectares and 324.894 hectares respectively. These figures summing up to 1901.7 hectares did not happen howsoever. No!

Anambra State Government in 2012, paid a monetary compensation of N145,520,021 to the Ivite-Umueri community (the customary land owners) as compensation for Parcel A of project site. This transaction was effected through the duly appointed Attorneys of Ivite-Umueri community: Messrs. Cele Ugonabo & Co, and Gilbert Nwanna & Partners.  

It however took the unprecedented commitment of Governor Willie Obiano, who himself affected compensation payment for Parcel B, for the Anambra State Government to fully mobilise to site pursuant to making the airport dream come alive; hence the unrestrained speed of high profile construction work at the project site, as well as the successes the governor is making in the intangible realms of seeking endorsements from relevant Federal Government and international authorities for the unhindered resumption of operations of the airport when the speedily ongoing infrastructural demands would have been met.

With the above spate of developments towards the realisation of the Anambra State International Cargo Airport, Umueri, every progressive and fair-spirited person, particularly those in whose immediate neighbourhood the project domiciles, should be jubilantly awaiting the birth and successful operation of the venture.

Oftentimes, good intentions and pliant acts towards their realisation, attract frivolous reactions intended to thwart noble causes. The sustenance of a mission, therefore, becomes the preoccupation of a visionary whose determination to lend credibility and flesh to a cause compels to maintain an unwavering focus on the target, else both the noble spirit and the project fizzle out and gladden ignoble hearts.  

Ndi-Anambra, given their globally recognisable enterprising and entrepreneurial bents with a strong bias to trade and commerce, cannot wait to see the berthing of an International Cargo Airport on their soil.
Okechukwu Anarado, a social analyst, writes from Adazi-Nnukwu


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