Visioning 2024 Retreat: A paradigm-shift gathering for visionaries

At the start of every year, IMMERSE Coaching Company hosts the Visioning Retreat, a transformative coaching retreat for high-value visionaries across the world, leaving an indelible mark on the lives of over 25,000 participants since its inception in 2020. The just-concluded 2024 edition continued this legacy, attracting visionaries in Nigeria and around the world, both physically and virtually, for two days of immersive learning, insights, strategic planning, and networking.

Led by the Founder, CEO and Lead Coach of IMMERSE Coaching Company, Debola Deji Kurunmi this year’s retreat featured three additional speakers who are luminaries in their respective fields speaking on their specific areas of expertise: Branding, and Visibility; Macroeconomics; and Health, Mindset & Wellness. The event unfolded as a tapestry of thought-provoking sessions, unveiling insights, and strategies to navigate the complexities of the year ahead. The Visionary Conversations, led by the Lead Coach Debola Deji Kurunmi delved into the subject of self-efficacy and its importance in becoming a visionary leader in 2024. She emphasized the mastery of time, and urged participants to allocate time judiciously to essential issues.

“One of the greatest mastery of our lives is the brutal mastery of time. Withdraw time from the majority so that you can give time to what counts. Self-efficacy is one of the mental models that is created by a duality of experience; it is a mental re-engineering that is first internal but also relies on accumulated experiences,” she said.

Renowned LinkedIn Personality, Haoma Worgwu, was also in attendance to shed light on means to leverage LinkedIn for thought leadership and brand elevation. She underscored the importance of showcasing unique differentiators and aligning personal branding with organizational messaging. Attendees left with a heightened awareness of LinkedIn’s potential as a powerful platform for visionary leaders.

Renowned Economist and Co-Founder & CEO at Kryptr, Dr. Emmanuel Tarfa, led participants into a study on Nigeria’s 2024 Macroeconomic Outlook, providing participants with strategic insights into macroeconomics, untapped opportunities, and invaluable advice for entrepreneurs, career professionals and social enterprise visionaries. His call for a pursuit of industry-specific knowledge, a focus on impact, and consistent learning resonated as pivotal takeaways.

In the remarks of top Wellness and Health Coach, Eziaha Bolaji-Olojo, emphasized the interconnection between a healthy body and visionary life: “The choices you make concerning your food and lifestyle can be inconvenient for you but there is a certain inconvenience that is okay for us as Visionaries.”

As the Visioning 2024 Retreat drew to a close, attendees not only left with a full navigational system for the coming year but also with a renewed sense of purpose and a vast network of like-minded visionaries.

The event is a testament of the principles held dear at IMMERSE Coaching Company, the power of collective learning in preparing for the shifts, mega-trends, and possibilities that the future holds, and the importance of positioning oneself at the forefront of innovation, expertise and partnerships. IMMERSE Coaching Company is a leading Professional Coaching Practice headquartered in Africa. We equip visionary individuals and institutions with transformational coaching and the necessary resources to elevate their mission, leadership impact, and legacy.


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