Visit hospital for antenatal, safe delivery, NGO tells women 

Hacey, a non-governmental organisation (NGO) supported by Access Corporation, has advised pregnant women to, embrace clinics and hospitals for antenatal care towards achieving healthy and safe delivery.
The organisation’s facilitator, Mrs Vera Ocholor, gave the advice in Asaba, Delta State while distributing delivery kits to pregnant women.
She said: “This organisation’s aim is, among others, to educate pregnant women on complications that may arise if they fail to register with a hospital.” 

The NGO, according to her, also educates women on the need to start planning from day one, and to save money for the rainy days, stressing that husbands alone cannot provide all needed for the comfort of mother and child.

“It is good to have delivery kits such as mattress, soap and sponge, which are needed immediately after giving birth. 

“Today is the turn of Okwe General hospital, we have visited Okwe Health Centre, Umuagwu Health Centre, St. Joseph Hospital and are also going to FMC and El-Comfort Private Hospitals to find out their antenatal days to hand over their kits.

“Hacey will cover over seven hospitals in Asaba to educate our pregnant mothers and distribute delivery kits to assist them in our little way of giving back to the society, to ensure healthy mother, healthy baby in the society,” she said.

The NGO also advised pregnant women to desist from patronising herbalists to avoid complications that may result in stillbirth or the death of mother and child during delivery.
Responding on behalf of others, Mrs. Mary Ikechukwu, commended Hacey for the gifts and sensitisation exercise, saying: “I will now stop going to the herbal homes, as I have been educated on the importance of visiting hospital during pregnancy.

She urged the organisation to also educate rural women on the need to patronise hospitals, instead of herbal homes.


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