Vote leaders that will restructure Nigeria, Anglican bishop declares

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Former Archbishop of Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity (Anglican Communion) Diocese of Calabar, Most Rev. Tunde Adeleye, has said that 2023 elections should produce leaders that would be willing to restructure Nigeria.

Adeleye, who is a strong advocate of true federalism made the call in Calabar during his 71st birthday colloquium organised in his honour by the Bishop of Diocese of Calabar, The Rt. Rev. Nneoyi Egbe.

Speaking shortly after the lecture delivered by the Keynote Speaker, Most Rev.. Blessing Enyindah, with the theme: “Leadership Challenge and National Rebirth: Solution from the Church”, Adeleye argued that the country is more of a unitarian government that is far from practising federalism.

“As elections are getting close, we want godly leaders, they should have the willingness to restructure this country. If we say this is a federal state, then it must be so. Nothing is federal in Nigeria as of today. Almost all powers are lodged in the central government. The lacuna is too obvious,” he stated.


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