Wake up from slumber, Nigerian youth!

Despite growing evidence of youth activism and mobilisation for political inclusion, Nigerian youths are yet to achieve equal representation in Nigerian politics. It is sad! If I have my way, I would have graciously advised all the youths in Nigeria to change their juvenile activism and tactless strategies to take back their future from men of yesterday. My advice to the youths would have been to exert all their synergistic energy being expended on the new comic, cartoonish and clownish political parties in Nigeria to organise the right formidable political parties. Well-organised political structures should be formed from among the youths to withdraw from Stockholm syndrome with cross-carpeted and unprincipled All Progressives Congress (APC) and Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).
Regrettably, my joy was that the well-organised #EndSARS and #takeitback movements were going to morph into momentous and organised political parties. I even enthusiastically contributed financially to the campaign during the joyful and incredible moment. Unfortunately, the well-intentioned actions were punctuated and punctured by usual Nigerian leadership’s curses and its conventional masses’ abracadabra.

Recently, what we see coming up and trending on zukerville is comic parties (Stingy Men and Women’s Parties). Like seriously? Do the organisers of these amusing organisations (Stingy Men and Women’s Parties) really believe in this current amusement? Or are they just playing the ostrich to the perpetual and inherent nature of the Nigerian youths’ naughtiness? Just asking! It’s eerie, i.e., stunningly frightening, to see my contemporaries and Nigerian youths still snoring in their needless slumbers.
Meanwhile, if Nigeria is a nation with imagination, our leaders and youth would have leveraged the current ugly global political atmosphere to polish their political roadmap into the future.
Yahaya Balogun wrote from Arizona, USA. 

Instead, my copycat nation-Nigeria will soon justify the nasty event in the last dark Wednesday of American history. We do forget that America has unified and strategic ways of bouncing back from its severe problems. The Nigerian youth should copy from America and the enthusiastic resolve of the once-upon-a-time indifferent apathetic black American voters. They came out massively and voted out the party of hate and suppression from power and the Oval Office. The minority and former political lepers pounded the heart of a party with no respect for human dignity and decency. The rest is ebbing into history!
I boldly say this with no equivocation. Nigeria is a beautiful country with brilliant people. However, Nigeria is currently a wasteland, but it is also a resourceful nation that cannot be wished away or ignored into the abyss of time. Some of us, the incurable optimists who have seen Nigeria’s great future, are used to wailing for a better society. Moreover, until we get it right in Nigeria, people like us will not stop to peruse and read aloud from every chapter of our book of lamentations.
 Nigerian Youth Movement, wake up!
 Yahaya Balogun wrote from Arizona, USA. 


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