Walk347 Book Drive initiative to distribute 20,000 books to promote learning

To change the country’s learning narrative, Walk347 has launched its Book Drive initiative to collect and distribute over 20,000 books to students across Nigeria.

The Walk347 Book Drive, a campaign by Walk347, the advocacy and charity wing of the National Association of Seadogs (NAS), Magna Carta chapter, will help ignite young imaginations, unlock the vast potential within each child and foster a love for reading among students.

According to Chukwudi Nwigwe, NAS Magna Carta Chapter President, funds raised will be meticulously allocated towards acquiring educational materials, setting up more drop-off points for easier access, and organizing literacy events to engage the community.

He said NAS’s transparent approach ensures that every contribution furthers its mission to illuminate young minds and shape the future of Nigeria.

“In alliance with the One Child, One Book Foundation and A Book Can Do The Magic Project, our mission transcends mere book distribution,” Nwigwe said in a statement.

“We aim to ignite young imaginations and unlock the vast potential within each child, fostering a culture of empathy, critical thinking, and boundless curiosity.”

Founded in 1952, NAS has been a vanguard for social justice, human dignity, and eradicating discrimination. Through Walk347, these principles materialize into concrete actions, addressing a spectrum of challenges from mental health awareness to the accessibility of quality education.

“Our initiatives, including the Walk347 Book Drive, are a testament to our unwavering commitment to empowering Nigeria’s youth.”

The decision to launch the Walk347 Book Donation Drive when inflation is accelerating is deliberate and strategic,” the NAS Magna Carta Chapter president, explained.

“We recognize that economic hardships significantly impact access to education and literacy. By facilitating this drive, we’re providing educational resources and a sense of hope and normalcy to families affected by inflation.”

According to the president, the initiative is particularly crucial now, as it introduces an innovative approach to learning, ensuring that the youth are kept up academically despite the economic downturn.

He stated that Walk347 lays the groundwork for a more educated, resilient generation by broadening their horizons and fostering a love for reading.

Everyone can support this project through book donations, financial support, or volunteering with our partners.

Donors can drop off book donations at our designated points, or you can contact Walk347 and our partners to make collection arrangements. Visit https://walk347.com/book/ for contact information and all details.

He urged individuals and institutions to support the initiative as every one of their support is “invaluable in Nigeria, where millions are on the brink of illiteracy.”

“By donating books or funds, organizing book drives, volunteering, or advocating for education, you’re not just contributing to a cause but actively participating in moulding the future and fostering a more equitable society.

