Walking in the light – Part 20

Abel Ukachi Amadi

Christians are to walk in the light and to expose the works of darkness. You should not take part as a believer in anywhere people are conspiring and plotting to do evil.“Fellowship” means to take part in, to share together, and to partner with. Christians as children of light are to “expose” or reprove evil. Believers are to completely avoid participating in sin. In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul questioned: “What fellowship has light with darkness?”(2 Corinthians 6:14). Sin produces unfruitful works of darkness whereas light produces fruits of righteousness. As a result of the unfruitful works of darkness, our nation is at the brink of destruction.

We, believers, are to reprove the unfruitful works of darkness. All things that are reproved are made manifest by light. If you don’t reprove what is evil as a believer, you will be silenced by worldly pressure. Moral decay in our society is currently on the increase. It is only politically correct to speak against those who would speak up for righteous causes, but not so to say anything negative against the homosexuals. The problem is, the homosexuals are no longer doing them in secret, but openly. They now parade the streets, doing openly things that are unspeakably vile. Yet, they demand special treatment and privileges because it is their desire to live this way. As children of light, we are to reprove the evil practices going on in our societies. We should not share the values and actions of the unbelievers.

We are to speak up and defend the truth anywhere people are trying to suppress what is right. When Saul intruded into the priestly office and offered a sacrifice on the altar when Samuel had not appeared at the appointed time, Samuel said to Saul: “You have done foolishly you have not kept the commandment of the Lord,”(1 Samuel 13:13). In verse 11, Paul speaks about two options for relating to the world around us: “Don’t participate in the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. The word “expose” means showing up the darkness for what it is. It means bringing the works of darkness to light and so demonstrating how wrong and dark they are.And as Paul has said, ‘the world is dark, and we light in the Lord.’

So, living as children of light: doing right, being godly, speaking truthfully—this is how the dark deeds of our world are exposed. In the real world, light always wins. When it is dark, you can switch a light on. But when there is light, you cannot switch the dark on. There is no real contest. Light makes things visible—light exposes darkness.

Light is a symbol of the transforming light of the gospel. The light of the gospel is not only a light that exposes. It does not just show up the evil and lies of our world. It is a light that transforms! The light of the gospel changes darkness into light. In Acts Chapter 9, when Saul encountered the transforming light of the gospel that shone around him from Heaven, his life was transformed and his name was changed from Saul, the Persecutor, to Paul, the changed man. I urge you today to come to Jesus and experience this transforming light. Everything about you will change for good if only you will allow Jesus to come into your life. He will give you power to live above sin and you begin to bear fruits of righteousness.
• Today’s Nugget: Light makes things visible. Prayer: Lord help me to shine as light. Prayer lines: 08033299824. E-mail:amadiabelukachi@gmail.com, Rev. (Dr.) Abel UkachiAmadi, General Superintendent Assemblies of God, Nigeria.


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