Walking in the light – Part 23

Our world is in a battle between darkness and light. The Bible speaks of light and darkness as representing two kingdoms. Satan, the prince of darkness, rules the domain of darkness, while God who dwells in inapproachable light rules kingdom of light. These two realms are in war with each other, but the final outcome has been already determined. When light meets darkness, which one always wins? Light always wins; light dispels the darkness. Every person on earth is walking in either spiritual light or spiritual darkness. You begin your Christian journey into the kingdom of light when you surrender your life to Christ and as you continue to grow in faith; your life will be shining as light.

As Paul wrote to the Christians in Ephesus he instructed them to “live as children of light” (Ephesians 5:8) instead of getting tangled in the darkness of the sins that once limited them. Christians should live as people who have the light of God. Christians are light. They don’t just walk in light; the light of Jesus has transformed their souls to become a light of Jesus.

Through the sacrifice of Jesus, Christians possess the light of Jesus and are able to walk in the new life that Jesus gives. We are no longer trapped by darkness, but walk in righteousness. Salvation enables us to lay down the old life and take hold of the new life in Christ. Living in the light produces goodness and righteousness and is pleasing to God (Ephesians 5:9).

The Christian life is described as walking, which implies activity. Our walk in the light is a reflection of God’s influence on our lives like a diamond reflects the suns light through it. The sparkles are the diamond reflecting the light in and through it. We Christians must remember that there is no Christian “twilight” where dark and light coexists. We can’t walk in light and dark. We walk only as children of light as we seek what is good, right, and true. It is not easy, but the Holy Spirit leads us to God’s word where we can discern how God wants us to live. We no longer embrace the activities of darkness; rather we expose them for what they are; death and destruction.

This term light symbolises God’s righteousness, holiness and His illumination. Jesus is the light; when you receive Him, you receive the light of God (John 12:44-46). What is expected of a believer that has received the light of God is to live in a way that pleases God. Our responsibility to abstain from sin goes farther than simply not doing sinful things, but to reprove them.

This means that we are to “expose” evil for what it is. When we are silent about sin, we are guilty of encouraging it. When we ignore sin, we are guilty of promoting it.

Since that is true, we are to “walk as children of light.” How do we do that? We do that by avoiding sinful thinking and sinful living. We do it by surrendering our all to the Spirit of God, Who will produce within us the “peaceable fruit of righteousness.” We have been changed, and we should live different lives. If we are truly saved, and if we have been truly changed, then holiness should be a way of life for us. God’s children are to walk holy, clean, and so close to God that we stand out as beacons of light in a dark world.

• Today’s nugget: Light symbolises righteousness. Prayer: Lord help me to standout as beacon of light. Prayer lines: 08033299824. E-mail: amadiabelukachi@gmail.com. Rev. (Dr.) Abel Ukachi Amadi, General Superintendent, Assemblies of God, Nigeria


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