Want To Make It Big In The Tech World? Read These Books As Blueprint

The Tech world is undisputed when it comes to human and technological advancement and stand as an epicentre of innovation and opportunity. Another is that many on the outside look at this sector as view it differently because it is “all about the Benjamins”.

However, it is way more than that while trying to survive in it. Becoming a prominent player in this dynamic domain where success is not just a destination but a continuous journey of adaptation and growth. The allure of the tech industry lies in its transformative power, offering a fertile ground for aspiring individuals to shape the future and leave an indelible mark.

The landscape of technology is not only expansive but also fiercely competitive. To make it big in this ever-evolving realm, one must possess a strategic mindset, a relentless pursuit of knowledge, and the ability to navigate the complex web of challenges. Read these books as blueprints to guide you through a smooth transition into the tech world.

Tech Stripped Naked
“Tech Stripped Naked” written by a Nigerian author Sophia Enoch is a refreshing and insightful guide for individuals seeking to navigate the complexities of the tech world, especially in the Nigerian tech landscape. Drawing from her own experiences, Enoch presents a valuable resource that not only educates but also motivates and empowers readers to pursue a successful career in technology. “Tech Stripped Naked” is a powerhouse of information that has the potential to transform both one’s professional life and career trajectory.

One of the book’s standout features is its emphasis on the principles of hard work and discipline over the misconception of tech as a source of easy money. Enoch dismantles this notion and underscores the importance of commitment and diligence in achieving success in the tech industry. This message is particularly beneficial for the upcoming generation and those considering a transition to tech.

What sets this book apart is its inclusivity, as Enoch demonstrates how individuals from diverse educational backgrounds and professions can enter and thrive in the tech world. Her narrative serves as a guide for readers, offering insights into the challenges she faced in both starting and transitioning within the industry. “Tech Stripped Naked” covers a wide range of topics crucial for anyone venturing into the tech landscape. The book addresses the essentials of starting a career, from the necessary prerequisites to handling work, clients, and job applications. It delves into the intricacies of freelancing, continuous learning, community development, building a professional network, and the significance of mentorship and training.

Enoch’s ability to break down technical terms and concepts makes the book accessible to newcomers in the field. Readers will not only gain an understanding of the terminology but also learn how to choose a skill that aligns with their interests and future market demands. The book also offers valuable marketing insights effectively, a skill essential for success in the competitive tech industry.

Zero to One
“Zero to One” by Peter Thiel is a book that primarily centres on the creation of new businesses or enhancing existing ones. In “Zero to One,” the legendary entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel invites us to embark on a journey of creating unique experiences in our lives. Thiel challenges the common belief that we’re in an age of technological stagnation, pointing out that progress is not confined to the realms of computers or Silicon Valley. While technology has advanced swiftly, he emphasizes the importance of breaking away from the familiar and thinking independently.

Rather than replicating what others already know, which takes the world from 1 to n, true innovation occurs when we venture into the unknown, going from 0 to 1. Thiel suggests that the key skill every leader must master is the ability to think independently and chart new territories. The future’s trailblazers won’t succeed by merely replicating what’s already in the market; they’ll thrive by creating something unique. “Zero to One” not only presents an optimistic outlook on the future of progress but also introduces a fresh perspective on innovation. Thiel encourages us to ask unconventional questions that lead to discovering value in unexpected places, ultimately paving the way for a lifestyle marked by creativity and originality.

Algorithms of Oppression
“Algorithms of Oppression” by Dr. Safiya Noble is a thought-provoking exploration of the latent biases ingrained in search engines, uncovering their complicity in reinforcing racial and gender-based inequalities. Dr. Noble unveils the concept of “technological redlining,” providing a compelling analysis of how algorithms can covertly sustain discriminatory practices. Her work not only exposes the intricate web of biases within these systems but also underscores their role in perpetuating structures of white supremacy.

The book serves as a crucial exposé, shedding light on the insidious ways in which technology can contribute to the oppression and marginalization of women of colour. Dr. Noble’s insights, as revealed in her interview with the University of South Carolina, emphasize the urgency of addressing these issues to foster a more inclusive and equitable society. “Algorithms of Oppression” is a must-read for those seeking a deeper understanding of the intersection between technology, bias, and societal power dynamics, urging readers to critically examine the impact of algorithms on shaping our collective perceptions.
