We are more than conquerors


Surrounded by wars, trials, insecurity, uncertainties, COVID-19 pandemic, EndSARS/EndSWAT fear and death, the Word from God to us is: “We Are More Than Conquerors (Romans 8:37) … God is here to visit us and to give us a turn-around and total victory in every situation.

To conquer is to have victory or prevail or overcome an enemy or one that seeks to destroy you or your possession. It means to overcome a very challenging situation or circumstance. The word used in Romans 8:37 is “Huponikao,” which means “Over Conquer.” It is not just victory or overcoming, but more than that it is “to gain a Surpassing Victory.” The issue is that there is a raging battle and warfare, and we need to identify the enemy and the contention we are engaging in or that is confronting us…

God’s Provision for our Victory
Romans 8 is one of the most impactful Chapters of the Bible. It lays out the key to true Christian life, which is living the New Life in Christ by the leading and help of the Holy Spirit. Although, trials and suffering may surround us, and sometimes, it is as though the sentence of death is passed on us, in the midst of all these, we see the power and victory that God has given us in Christ Jesus.

In Jesus we see hope and glory that are eternal and transcend this present world. For the sufferings of this present cannot be compared with the glory that shall be revealed when Jesus shall come. In addition to this hope of glory, we see the unsearchable Love of God. God’s love demonstrated in Christ is beyond understanding. The grace and mercy of God surpasses all. God chooses to be for us and has not given up on us and, therefore, no power can work against us. God did not spare His only Son, but gave Him up for us all. He will do anything for us graciously, not because we merited it, but He loves and graciously gives us.

Victory Through His Blood
It could be that the enemy may bring charge and accusations and attacks against us as he did to Job. Even then, God has justified the believer by Christ Jesus. Christ is our Mediator and Intercessor; He will speak for us. His blood speaks better things than the blood of Abel … On the Cross, Jesus cried out: “It is Finished!” We have victory through His Blood.

We Conquer The World And Satanic Forces
Paul further asked: “Who shall separate us from the love of God? Shall troubles, hardship, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger, sword or violence? These may abound and some of us may be passing through them, let us know that often God allows these to come. They are not meant to destroy us, but to burn off the chaff in our lives and bring focus on the things that matter with God … Shall we then turn away from following Jesus because of persecution, trials and afflictions, and hunger? No! Refuse to surrender to the scheme of the devil and worldly powers and system.

Our Surpassing Victory
In all these things, in the face of these trials and afflictions, we are surpassingly victorious. We are more than the Roman Imperial Army conquering territories. We have all-round victory in Jesus Christ. We have conquered the world and satanic forces. We have victory that brings us into eternal life and inheritance. Therefore, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but have no power over the soul … Therefore, child of God, take up/put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand (Eph. 6:13-18).

An Ever-present And Sustained Conquest
Conquest is not just victory because it goes with subjugation. To conquer is to subdue and exercise control and have dominion. To remain more than conquerors, we must do the following:

We must remain, abide and be rooted in Jesus Christ. Without Him, we are nothing and we can do nothing. Every man who is a conqueror is a man that is glued to Jesus Christ.

Abiding in the Word of God is the way to prevailing victory. The Word of God is His instrument for nurture, sanctification and cleansing of our souls, for equipment for every good work, for healing and restoration of spirit, soul and body. We should read, learn, meditate and inwardly digest the Word of God and live by its teachings. It is then that our ways shall be prosperous and we shall have good success in all we do.

The exercise of our faith in Jesus Christ and in His Word brings us to victory over the world and its allures (1 Jn 5:4-5). Put your faith to action in trials and challenging times. If you dare trust God, He will prove Himself faithful to you. Jesus has already given us everything we need to prevail. Jesus gives you authority of Heaven, not only to preach the Gospel, but to also demonstrate His power over the issues of life (Luke 10:17-20).

Call upon the name of the Lord. Whoever that shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered and saved. This is the season of recovery of all that the enemy had sought to destroy (Joel 2: 26-27). Therefore, receive grace to exercise your faith in Christ and thereby exercise dominion. Receive authority over the powers of the enemy; trample them under your feet. The God of Peace has beaten down Satan under our feet. We are more than conquerors through Christ, Who strengthens us. Praise God, Amen!


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