We can’t be stampeded into taking actions on convention – Nabena

Yekini Nabena

The Caretake and Extra-ordinary Convention Planning Committee (CECPC) of All Progressives Congress (APC) says it cannot be stampeded into taking action that can be inimical to the party.

Mr Yekini Nabena, Deputy National Publicity Secretary of the Committee said this in a statement on Monday in Abuja. Nabena while speaking on debates on the party’s National Convention, said there was no stipulated time for the party to hold its convention.

He condemned those he described as fifth columnists and their sponsors who were working against the APC national leadership.
Nabena said that those sponsoring campaigns of calumny on national television, and other media platforms against the party’s leadership, especially with regards to the national convention should be careful of their actions.

“The people should realise that the party’s national convention will come and go, but the damage they will have cost the party’s image would remain,” he said.

Nabena said that the APC leadership had already identified some governors and ministers who were believed to be the sponsors of the unwarranted media attacks on the party’s Gov. Mai Mala Buni-led CECPC.

He appealed to the party’s leaders at all levels to trust the CECPC leadership and eschew every form of action that would portray the APC in bad light.

“Those sponsoring fifth columnists against the APC chairman and the party’s leadership are like political vultures who feed on dead meat, but presently there are no dead meat for them to eat.

“The party leadership knows them, and at the appropriate time, actions will be taken against them according to the APC Constitution,” he said.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that new national executives were expected to be elected at the Feb. 26 APC National Convention, to manage its affairs presently under the CECPC.


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