‘We need a world where every woman has opportunity to thrive’

 Onyeka Melinda Eze

An entrepreneur and founder of Idozi Skincare, Onyeka Melinda Eze, has called for a world where every woman has opportunity to thrive.

Speaking on what this year’s International Women’s Day (IWD) means to her, she said: “For me’ IWD is a day set aside to honour the achievements of women and of just being a woman. It’s about amplifying our voice. We need a world where every woman has the opportunity to thrive. We need a world where every woman can fulfil her potential. That is why this year’s theme ‘Invest in Women, Accelerate Progress’ is particularly important.”

Eze added that investing in women isn’t just about money. “The great Kofi Annan once said when women thrive, society benefits. Investing in women is not just about money; it’s about time, education, mental enrichment, health and general wellbeing. That is why my brand, Idozi Skincare is about uplifting women from within to make their essence shine through. Sometimes, society can get in the way and make us forget about our capabilities. Therefore, we need to be constantly reminded of who we are and what can be achieved.”

Driven by her love for skincare and armed with a Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry from the University of Benin, Eze embarked on a journey to merge science with tradition to curate transformative skincare experiences. Her brand, Idozi Skincare, stands as a testament to her dedication to evidence-based solutions and empowering individuals to embrace their authentic beauty.


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