‘We ’ve not seen Abdulraheem Bidemi’

BIDEMIA MEMBER of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), who left home for his passing-out parade two weeks ago, has not returned home.

Abdulraheem Dauda Bidemi, a native of Ikakumo, Akoko- Edo Local Council of Edo-State left his Ebenezer Baptist Crescent, Iyana Ipaja, Lagos home two weeks ago and has not returned.

His brother in-law, Wale Oshibowale, who reported the case at the Police Station, told The Guardian that his family is in despair over Bidemi’s sudden disappearance.

According to him: “Dauda Bidemi, a NYSC member, is my brother in-law. When he told us that he was going to visit his aunt at Orile, after his Passing Out ceremony, we had no inkling that danger was lurking around. My wife and I obliged him because he is a complete gentleman. He actually called to say that he arrived at Orile successfully and he slept there.”

“The following day, he left Orile for Itire to an uncle’s place and met his wife at home. After staying for some time, he called his aunt in Orile that he would not be coming back to Orile. At about 4.00p.m., he left Itire for an undisclosed destination and that was the last time we heard from him. Since that fateful Thursday, he has not returned home.”

“He attended Federal Polytechnic, Kaura Namoda and he speaks English, Hausa and Yoruba fluently. We have searched for him everywhere. We have been to police stations, task force offices, prisons, hospitals and mortuaries, but we could not find him. We have contacted different homes, friends and other relations, yet we cannot find him.”

“His younger sister collapsed when it was certain that we might not find him. The entire family is devastated. I have not been myself and my wife has refused to eat because he stayed with us all through the years.”

Wale lamented: “I think Abdul has suffered a lot. He was supposed to have finished his NYSC since 2012. He was serving in the North East but because of the terrorists attack on corps members, they were withdrawn from service. He tried to redeploy the following year to Lagos and it did not work, until God answered him this year. But look at how it turned out for us.”

The State Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Mr. Joe Offor, advised that anybody with useful information on his whereabouts should contact the family or the nearest Police Station.

