We warned Nigerians against voting APC, says Tambuwal

Waziri Tambuwal. Photo/facebook/AMINUWAZIRITAMBUWAL

Expose magnitude of ruins Buhari left behind, Faroumbi tells Tinubu

Former Governor of Sokoto State, Aminu Tambuwal, has described the current hardship in the country as a repercussion of re-electing the All Progressives Congress (APC) government in 2023.

But former Ambassador to the Philippines, Yemi Faroumbi, urged President Bola Tinubu to tell Nigerians the magnitude of economic ruins he inherited from his predecessor, Gen Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) .

Speaking during a stakeholders’ meeting of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Sokoto, yesterday, Tambuwal said, “During our campaigns in 2023, we warned Nigerians not to repeat the mistake of voting APC into power because they have nothing positive to offer. We told them APC was not prepared to lead this country. What they wanted was to grab power and see themselves in office.

“Now they have grabbed the power and are into offices, but do not know what to do with it. Life is becoming unbearable to many Nigerians because of their failure. ”

However, the senator representing Sokoto South called on the opposition to join hands and ensure the APC loses in the next election.

Earlier, the Chairman of PDP in Sokoto, Bello Goronyo, said some APC bigwigs, including serving commissioners, had indicated interest in joining the PDP.

He was optimistic that the PDP would reclaim the state in the next election.

FAROUMBI, on a Fresh FM radio programme, ‘State of the Nation’, at the weekend, said the pains Nigerians go through had got to the point that Tinubu should stop shying away from letting Nigerians know the enormity of the damage Buhari left (as his government always claimed), for them to know how long the current pains would linger.

He said, “Anytime I read his maiden speech, I see the good progressive intentions of what he wants to achieve.”

Of course, you can’t achieve that in 12 months. But we want to be sure we are already on the path.

“I have seen something that characterises this government, and that is policy somersaults. I get worried about our decision-making. He (Tinubu) gives the impression of a President who listens, but in my study of leadership, a leader must be able to make a painful decision, if he’s sure. So, when a leader begins to flip-flop, I get worried.”

According to Faroumbi, Buhari ruined the economy, but Tinubu is afraid to say it clearly.

Buhari’s administration, he added, sold crude oil for up to four or five years, received the money and spent it.


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