We’ll diversify Bayelsa Economy in 2021, create jobs – Diri

Gov. Douye Diri of Bayelsa on Friday, said that his administration was bent on diversifying the state’s economy to reduce total dependence on federal allocations in 2021.

The governor made the remarks in his New Year Day broadcast tagged: “Message of Hope and Prosperity,” and said that alternative sources of improving the internally generated revenue would be explored.

The Chief Press Secretary to the governor, Mr Daniel Alabrah, issued a statement on the broadcast to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Yenagoa.

According to Diri, as a consequence of the well-conceived policies and estimates contained in the already passed 2021 “Budget of Growth”, we expect to witness accelerated development and progress across all strata of our lives, all things being equal.

“We will diversify our economy, create sustainable jobs to engage our youths and explore alternative sources of improving our internally generated revenue.

“If we look inwards, the buds of change that have opened since we took over government will begin to yield fruit.
“With your partnership, we will create the conducive environment that will attract investors and tourists and allow our people to participate in the prosperity for all.

“We face many obstacles, but we are an indomitable people. It is our prayer that God will grant us wisdom, favour and insight to hidden treasures to make this possible timeously.

The governor said that in 2021, the state would consolidate on existing programmes and expand its activities to bring relief to a greater number of the citizens.

He listed some of his administration’s quick-win interventions to include the DiriBoost Training and Empowerment Scheme for youths to become employers of labour as well as focusing on the agriculture sector to drive its economic diversification programme.

He added that the government would commence construction of the 22km Outer Ring Road project in Yenagoa in January, and also embark on the repair and maintenance of 50 internal roads in the Yenagoa metropolis alongside other projects.

Diri, however, urged the people to be courageous, adding that the outgone year was dynamic, turbulent and challenging.
He also urged the people to resolve to contribute their own quota to the development of the state to ensure the realisation of the dream of the founding fathers for a prosperous Bayelsa.

“As a government, we will continue to make the responsible choices and take the tough decisions that will enhance our quest for a prosperous state.

“We are conscious that the decisions we make today have far-reaching implications for generations yet unborn. It is a responsibility we take very conscientiously.

”Therefore, we cannot afford to abdicate our duty,” he said.

He expressed appreciation to citizens of the state for their solidarity with and support for his ‘Prosperity Administration’ and promised to work hard to justify their trust and confidence.
“In spite of all the odds against us, we have made headway and taken many important steps that have made a world of difference.

“For instance, the proactive actions we initiated have accounted for the peace and security that we have enjoyed over the course of 2020.

“It has not only ensured the return of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) to their ancestral homes, as in the case of Nembe community, but also made it conducive for holding free, fair and credible bye-elections in the Central and West Senatorial zones.

“We are also proud of the interventions we made in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic that ensured that our state recorded one of the least casualties and fatalities in the country.

”Thank you for your cooperation in this regard. Needless to say, the fight against this unseen enemy is far from over. I implore you to remain vigilant until we conquer this foe,” he added.


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