Wellbeing and cleansing of the kidneys (4)

Logo-NannaPrevention and alternative treatment of kidney stones
More often than not, kidney stones are a disease of our diet and the fluids that we drink. The basis for prevention of kidney stones, as expected would be dietary and lifestyle changes.

There is a type of kidney stone that occurs as a result of infection of the kidney. It is known as struvite stone. To prevent this kind of stone, the kidneys have to be kept infection-free as much as possible.

The urine should be physically examined often to make sure it is not cloudy with sediments in it. Culture of the urine will also help to rule out infection when there is no organism grown.
For other kinds of stones, the following preventive measures will help:

1. Diet changes
You will have to avoid the traditional ‘dead,’ overcooked food or at best make certain adjustments in their preparation. For one, you do not have to overcook your vegetables. Also to be avoided are refined and processed foods such as sugar, white flour and its products (bread, pasta, cakes etc), carbonated and sweetened beverages, alcoholic beverages and caffeine.

Calcium oxalate, by far the commonnest type of stones, can be prevented by avoiding foods that are rich in oxalate. Such foods are spinach, celery, asparagus, strawberries, grapes, beans, chocolate etc.
Salt intake should also be reduced to the barest minimum so as to lower the incidence of the calcium based stones.

To prevent uric acid stones, you have to avoid foods that are rich in urates such as organ meat (liver, kidney), fish such as sardines and skin of chicken.
Eat leafy green vegetables rich in magnesium, chlorophyll and fiber. You may also want to eat whole grains, nuts, oats, legumes (beans), brown rice, barley and bananas.

2. Water
The role of water in stone formation and the general wellbeing of the kidneys cannot be overemphasized. The risk of kidney stone formation is higher in a state of dehydration and this state is reflected in the colour and volume of the urine. When the urine is yellow to dark yellow in colour, it indicates a state of dehydration.

A light yellow and an almost colourless urine signifies an appropriate level of hydration. To avoid dehydration and a hiagher risk of kidney stones, one has to drink up to 10 glasses of water. In most cases, to avoid a recurrence of kidney stones, one has to double the daily water requirement. Alkaline water is preferable and as usual Lasena Artesian Natural Mineral Water is my recommendation.
Natural kidney cleansers and kidney stone remedies
1. Horsetail: This is a common weed, which possesses diuretic properties. It increases urine output and helps to flush the kidney and renal system. It is also a natural remedy for kidney stones. It can be brewed and drank as tea about 3 times in a day.
2. Dandelion Root: It is a natural diuretic which also helps in waste elimination. Dandelion Root is also a kidney tonic.
3. Marshmallow Root: This is a soothing herb which calms the tissues of the kidney. It is a mild diuretic and increases the urine output.
4. Celery Rod (and the seeds): A natural diuretic. It helps to eliminate toxins as it increases the urine output. Celery root is also a tonic for the kidney tissues.
5. Parsley: This is both an aromatic and a diuretic. It eliminates wastes and toxins from the urinary tract.
6. Golden rod: This tones up the tissues of the kidneys and urinary tract and detoxifies the kidneys.
7. Uva Ursi: It is also known as bearberry. It is used for the treatment of urinary tract infection. It combines well with dandelion root for the treatment of recurrent urinary tract infection. It is highly indicated for the management of struvite stones.
8. Phyllantus niruri: Otherwise known as Chancra piedra (stone breaker), this tropical plant is particularly useful in supporting the health of the liver, bladder and kidneys. Like one of the names indicates, it dissolves stones in any of those organs mentioned.
9. Kidney beans: Shaped like the kidney, it has been found to be effective against the pain associated with kidney stones. When the pod is boiled for 4-6 hours and drank after cooling through out the day, the pain disappears fast.
10. Specific vegetables and fruits that support the kidneys are spinach, celery, kale, cucumber, carrots, lettuce, orange, lemon, apples, pine apples, pears and peaches.

