What Do You Think About PDA ?

My fellow Nigerians, you can place your two kobo on this matter. For those of you that don’t know PDA means public display of affection and it can be seen in the form of kissing, touching, groping, licking, nuzzling, cuddling, crossing hands into each other’s opposite back pockets, etc.

Although we like to think that we are really culture forward, some of us are still uncomfortable with the idea of PDA.

Say you walk into a shopping mall and you see a couple kissing at the park? What is your first reaction?


Well some people on the other hand think it affirms their position in your life. You would only show PDA if I am the number one person in your life, that kind of thing.

Some people do not like PDA because they are not mushy people and they would like to keep their mushiness to their partners in confined spaces.

To some people it depends on the setting and environment.

The truth is that PDA is very tricky, it can be cute when done properly and when you cross that line, then it becomes downright disgusting. So you be the judge.

So our Nigerian cultures kind of set a limit on it. We Nigerians tend to be hypocritical about things like this. Truth is certain people have a problem with PDA not because they feel bad about it but because other people around them are not comfortable with it and that affects them too.

So what do you think about PDA. To do or not to do?



