When a woman takes her man out

Bishop Charles Ighele

Many months ago, my wife and I went straight from church to a restaurant somewhere in Ikeja GRA, Lagos. As we were waiting for the food we ordered, a very elderly couple walked in. I guess the man should be eighty-four or eighty-five years old and the woman about eighty. We instantly loved them, which made us leave our table to chat with them for a while. The smiling wife then told us she was the one taking her husband out just to eat out and enjoy themselves outside their home.

This brings about a question. Is it only husbands that should take their wives out? Can a woman not take her man out? And then another question comes up. Why is it that it is mostly men who take their wives out and not the other way round? Which group of people sat down and started this culture?

Nobody sat down and made any law or started any culture about men taking their wives out than women. It is just how men and women are wired. A man of God once said many years ago that men are wired to be givers, while women are wired to be receivers. He went on to say when you make your wife very happy, she will receive the happiness, multiply it and give you double happiness. This implies that if you give her sadness and sorrow, she will not be in a proper frame of mind to give you joy.

One of the ways, therefore, that a mature man can make his wife happy is to take her out from time to time. In fact, during our last minister’s retreat for pastors and evangelists, I made the ministers promise that they would take their wives out, either to eat or share a bottle of soft drink or water, snack out and just chill out at least twice a month.

There is nothing wrong in a man taking his wife out to a five star hotel and buy a small bottle of water, relax there and gist until they feel like going home. Personally, half of the day in one of the days of the week has been set aside over the years for my wife and I to enjoy ourselves with a meal outside our home or just to chill out.I try to keep to it but it’s my wife’s schedule and a few other very important emergencies that have made it not to be as smooth as it ought to be.

But I had a different feeling of fun about four weeks ago, when Carol told me that beautiful morning she was taking take me out for lunch. Boy, I excitedly looked forward to it. That afternoon, she took me to a five star hotel where we ate and ate. We really enjoyed ourselves.

After about two hours of gisting and eating, she paid the bills and we went back home. As I write this article, I am still enjoying the feeling of my wife taking me out. It’s not as if she has not taken me out before but it’s very rare. I enjoy taking her out as a way of continually wooing her and to put more fire of love in our relationship. But the feeling of fun is normally different for the man the day the wife (who is normally the receiver) decides to take her man (who is normally the giver) out.What else do I have to say than that wives should also take their husbands out once in a while. It will make him feel good, admired, appreciated and respected. Love you.


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