When God Shows Up


ONE of the powerful revelations of God in the scripture is that JEHOVAH GOD ALWAYS SHOWS UP on behalf of His people. Whenever God shows up, things always get better. Things can never go bad or worse, when God shows up. Right from Genesis, when darkness was upon the face of the deep, GOD SHOWED UP by His Spirit and a new creation of different biological classifications came into existence. Darkness was eradicated and everything was created in perfect ecological balance: Fish for the sea, birds for the sky, animal for the forest, man for the garden, etc.

All through Biblical History, God always showed up, when hope was hopeless for mankind. God is always appraising His creation to remove what is not good. At a point, God said: “IT WAS GOOD” and VERY GOOD and another point He said: “IT IS NOT GOOD” and He went all out to create a helpmate (Eve) for Adam. Usually, when man is at his wit’s end, when hope has been lost, then God shows up to demonstrate His Omnipotence and releases His Redemptive Power and Grace. Psalm 107:6, 13, 19 and 28 is a vivid illustration of the God that shows up whenever man turned to Him in times of distress. It was repeated four times in Psalm 107:6 “Then they CRIED UNTO THE LORD IN THEIR TROUBLE and HE DELIVERED THEM OUT OF THEIR DISTRESSES”. God’s Magnanimity, Holiness, Righteousness and Justice make Him respond to the afflicted, the poor and the destitute, who take time to call upon Him. When GOD SHOWS UP, He comes with His Omnipotence, Sovereignty and Benevolence to deal decisively and ruthlessly with the affliction of the afflicted, the poverty of the poor and the sickness of the sick. For Joseph, the early graph of his life was a downward slope from persecution to the pit, to Potiphar, to prison. But the day came when God showed up.

And in 24 Hours, God gave him prominence, power, rulership, wealth, influence and affluence. In Exodus 14, the Israelites thought the end had come, when the Egyptians pursued them, but God showed up and drowned all their enemies. In Genesis 17, at a time when Isaac’s birth looked impossible, God showed up in the lives of Abraham and Sarah. Despite menopause, ISAAC BECAME A REALITY. There is not enough space and time to present so many hopeless, hapless and powerless individuals on whose behalf God showed up when they cried to Him. Jesus at the Pool of Bethesda; Jesus at the wedding in Cana of Galilee; Jesus at Jericho, Jesus on the Cross, etc. JESUS shows up at the point of your need. We are sent by God to tell you today that IN THE NAME OF JESUS, God will show up in your life and show off His Power and Blessings in every area of your life. This year will end well for you. The rest of your life SHALL BE THE BEST. Every mountain shall vamoose at the Presence of God in your life. Great days are ahead of you. Congratulations!

PRAYER: Father God, thank You for always showing up on behalf of those that trust and call upon You. Father, I trust in You with all my heart. Father God, show up for me and show Yourself strong on my behalf. I lean on You, as I make JESUS the LORD of my life. To You Oh, LORD do I look for intervention, provision and elevation.

