Who is after policemen in Enugu? 

[FILES] Police

SIR: It is one killing too many. In a space of three days, some policemen on duty in the outskirts of Enugu were gunned down in the broadlight. Whodunit? What is happening? Is it that the barber does not know how to cut or that the blade is not sharp?

Who are those behind this dastard act and what are their motives? Whose script are they playing and whose agenda are they pursuing? Why do they want to disrupt the cherished security and peacefulness of Enugu State? Why? What do they want? Why making the security personnel especially the policemen their major targets?

What was the offence of these slain policemen on duty? What would be the fate of their wives, children, friends and relatives, they suddenly left behind? Who will replace them?

How will they cope and manage the trauma, shock and challenges of losing and living without their loved ones and breadwinners, that were dastardly and brutally murdered while in active service for no just cause?

Too many questions begging for answers. Who will provide these answers? The security agents in the state especially their leadership need to up their game, change tactics, strategies and rules of engagement. Desperate situation requires desperate measures. Enugu residents cannot afford to live with this ugly development that they are not use to, especially since Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi came into office. Ugwuanyi’s administration has done so much in maintaining peace and security, supporting and motivating security agents in the state to operate optimally.

The peacefulness and security of the state which was made possible by the present administration cannot be compromised or sacrificed. The timing of this sad development is worrisome, suspicious and questionable.

Coming at the peak of preparations and campaign rallies for the February 23rd local government election in the state makes the whole thing look political, sponsored and induced.

Not even at the height of the unknown gunmen’s menace in the Southeast region towards last year ending that Enugu State witnessed this kind of sporadic killings of policemen on duty. Not at all.

Those behind these heartless killings are not ghosts or spirits. They are human beings. It is possible they are living with and among the people of the state. They don’t operate from moon.  They operate within. They have accomplices and collaborators that work with and for them.

This is why all hands must be on deck to assist security agents and government to fish them out and decisively deal with them. They have been dealt with before and will not be spared this time around.

The governor, government and people of Enugu are peace loving people. They will work with the security agents. They will leave no stone unturned in tackling this ugly trend as quickly as possible.
Nneoma Nwam.



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