Why improving fiscal ferms on gas contracts is vital– Seplat boss

The Chief Executive Officer, Seplat Energy Plc, Roger Brown, has stressed the need for the Federal Government to improve fiscal terms on gas contracts to support uptake at market reflective prices.

Brown, who disclosed this at the 2023 Nigeria Oil & Gas Conference (NOG) held in Abuja, said that government also need to improve efficiency and capacity of the Nigerian electricity value chain to aid higher uptake of domestic gas supply.

Speaking on a panel session themed, ‘The Investors Perspective: Assessing the Attractiveness of Nigeria’s Energy Sector, the Seplat boss underscored severe need for funding in the upstream and midstream segment of the energy sector in Nigeria. He believed that relevant success stories from the country will facilitate the investments.

He said that attracting the necessary funding would be dependent on regulatory reforms, fiscal terms restructuring and several other relevant policies.

According to him, Seplat Energy remains committed to creating and sustaining value in the Nigerian upstream sector, and has continued to do so via strong investment work plan, host community development, partnerships with government and aggressive human capital development.
